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1- isn't Jupiter made of gas?

[first answer]


[second answer]

2- I guess that the core of the planet has to be harder than its atmos. If it has gravity, it then has to have something solid in the middle. Or if it is liquid, then, we couldn't quite feel its ground or either reach it.. lol...

[ Now, i wonder if something ever managed to survive inside of this gas haze:P Something under the ground if it has any...

I'm thinking architecture as, if we get on earth an atmos becoming just as Jupiter, we'll have to rethink our survival method O_O (I mean, they all say that earth will become a hell land soon) (globe warming) ... So lets think.. If i had to live on Jupiter... What would i do to survive... lol ]


3- (edit here)

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Q: What does the ground on Jupiter feel like?
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Does Jupiter have ground?

No, because it is a planet that is made out of gas.

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well, Jupiter has no atmosphere recorded to sustain life. The ground is recorded to be insufficent to life. So you'd die. Think of it like this, if there is no bactrial life, there is definitely no human life.

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because Jupiter is made of gas there is no soild ground until you get close to the there can't be any life on Jupiter and there never will be.

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Jupiter does not have any ground and so does not have any underground. However, Jupiter pumps out more heat from its interieor than it recieves from the sun.

What is the terrain ground of Jupiter made up of?

It is made up of gases