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Earth has a favorable distance from the Sun, where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold and water is in the liquid phase; also a powerful magnetic field that shields somewhat from harsh effects of solar wind (which could potentially dry the planet's surface up somewhat like Mars); also an abundance of raw material particular the "organic" elements carbon, phosphorus, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur; sufficient mass to retain an atmosphere; an atmospheric composition favorable to life; and of course abundant water.

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Q: What does your planet have that allows it to sustain life?
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What planet is known to sustain life?

No planet except the planet Earth is known to sustain life till date.

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Earth is the only planet in our solar system that can sustain human life.

What is the planet that is known to sustain life?

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Because our planet can sustain life

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What must a planet have to sustain life?

To sustain life, a planet must have oxygen and a variety of gases, plant life, strong enough gravity and enough clean water.

Why is it that earth is considered a living planet?

because it is the only planet that can sustain life.

Is planet mercury suitable for life?

Not currently. It does not have oxygen and water to sustain life.

Why earth is called an unique planet?

earth is supposedly the only planet that can sustain life and has oxygen

What are the three features of Earth that allows it to sustain life?

In order for earth to sustain life it has the magnetic field, plate tectonics, and active volcanoes.

What are the features of the earth are necessary to sustain life?

Apart from water, you need oxygen in the air to sustain life on earth. With these two indispensable features, both mankind,animals and botanical reserves sustain life on this planet.

Can planet Mars sustain life?

there is NO living life on Mars b/c there is no liquid water on it.