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1.Found on Mars solid ice, show that also have liquid water there. 2.Calcium carbonate is an important symbol of liquid water . 3.Mars is the presence of water on Mars clouds of "suspected evidence" . 4. perchlorate and groundwater evidence. 5.Microbial, is the best evidence that the presence of water Mars.

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during the hottest time of the martian summer in the deepest chasm (approximiately 3-4 times deeper than the Grand Canyon) there would be a small tropics- it cannot exist without liquid water.

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Q: What evidence suggests that water is or once was present on mars?
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What evidence suggests that liquid water is or once was present on mars?

There is evidence that there was once water on Mars due to large gullies on its surface. This may suggest that running liquid water may have eroded it away and the fact that Mars has 'frozen' ice caps may suggest that it was once liquid water that had frozen over a large period of time.

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Why do people look for evidence of water on Mars?

If there is water, perhaps we might live there. It suggests that the conditions may be right for life to be possible on that planet.

Is there water under the mars surface?

there is evidence to show that there may, but we are still uncertain at the present time.

What proves that mars is alive?

Currently there is no proof or even strong evidence of life on Mars. Analysis of minerals has proven that there was once liquid water, and some chemical evidence suggests that there were once complex organic compounds. This means that Mars might have once supported life, but again, there is no solid evidence.

What suggests Mars had water?

There are deposits on Mars that have Molicuels on them. Also the layers of Mars rocks have H2o in them.

Why do micro organisims survive on mars?

We don't know that they do. Evidence of running water some time in the past has been found on the surface of Mars, but as yet no direct evidence of the past or present existence of micro-organisms.

What evidence is there that water has been flowing on Mars recently?

NASA photographs of Mars are the best evidence that water has been flowing on Mars recently. During warmer periods in Mars' atmosphere, the photographs show streaks that look like streams. Scientists agree that this is evidence of water on Mars.

What planet has evidence of erosion by water?

Earth and Mars

What does water form on Mars?

Water is present on Mars in the form of ice.

What Evidence that mars has water?

The robots sent to Mars have found Water Ice in large quantities on the surface of Mars.

What type of evidence found on Mars suggests that Mars may have had a thicker atmosphere?

Mars may have had a thicker atmosphere because if it can have life, it should have a thicker atmosphere. because of ALIENS