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Earth has a tilted axis. As the Earth revolves around the sun, either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere is aimed more directly at the sun. This means a higher consentration and thus, insolation (see insolation).

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15y ago
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1mo ago

Uneven heating of the Earth by the Sun is influenced by factors like the angle of sunlight due to the curvature of the Earth, atmospheric circulation patterns such as Hadley cells, high albedo surfaces like ice caps that reflect sunlight, and variations in surface composition affecting heat absorption. These factors cause different regions to receive varying amounts of solar energy, leading to the Earth's overall uneven heating.

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13y ago

We have several factors to consider here. First, the earth spins on its axis once every 24 hours, bringing us day and night. Logically, during the day, the sun is shining on the surface and the earth is heated. At night, the sun is not shining on the surface and the earth cools. Thus, we have daily changes in the amount of light reaching surface, resulting in daily changes in the amount of heat reaching the surface. Second, because the earth is a globe, the sun's rays strike the surface of the earth at the equator more directly than at the polar regions resulting in differences in the amount of light reaching the surface of the earth, and hence, the equator heats up more quickly than the polar regions. Third, the earth's axis is slightly tilted, and the tilt of the axis combined with the revolution around the sun each year, brings seasonal changes in the amount of sunlight striking the surface of the earth. For example, when the Northern Hemisphere is at a point in our revolution around the sun where it is tilted towards the sun, the rays fall more directly on the surface bringing summer temperatures. Six months later, the revolution around the sun brings earth to a point where the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun; the rays fall less directly on the surface causing cooler, winter temperatures. .

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1. Angle of sun's ray

2. Kind of material that composes earth's surface

3. Length of day time

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Wind speed Air pressure Wind direction

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Q: What factors contribute to the uneven heating of the earth by the sun?
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What causes the sun to heat the earth unevenly?

The uneven heating of the Earth by the sun is primarily due to variations in the angle of sunlight hitting the Earth's surface. This is influenced by the curvature of the Earth and its tilt on its axis, resulting in different regions receiving varying amounts of sunlight intensity. Additionally, factors like differences in surface composition, albedo, and atmospheric conditions also contribute to the uneven heating.

What is the result from the sun uneven heating of the earth?

not sure

Is the uneven heating of the earth surface is due primarily to the position of the sun true or false?


Should tyhe atmosphere porvit uneven heating of eath?

Yes, the atmosphere should provide uneven heating of the Earth. This is because it is essential for the planet's climate to remain relatively stable. The different temperatures in different regions of the Earth are necessary for the preservation of life forms, as some species and ecosystems require different temperature ranges to thrive. Without the atmosphere, the planet would be subject to drastic changes in temperature over any given area. The atmosphere helps to regulate temperatures by:Trapping heat from the sun and radiating it back to the Earth.Redirecting winds, which carry cooler air to warm areas and warmer air to cooler areas.Absorbing and reflecting certain wavelengths of light, which can help to cool or warm the Earth's surface.The atmosphere's uneven heating of the Earth is an important part of its climate regulation. Without it, temperatures would be much more extreme and unpredictable, making it difficult for life to exist on the planet.

Some areas of the Earth receive more solar radiation than others. Which of the following results from the Sun's uneven heating of the Earth?


Related questions

What factors contribute contribute global winds?

The shape of the earth, uneven heating, and rotating earth contribute to global winds.

What factors contribute to global wind?

The shape of the earth, uneven heating, and rotating earth contribute to global winds.

What causes uneven heating of the earth?

Uneven heating of the Earth's surface is primarily caused by variances in the angle of the sun's rays, due to the Earth's tilt on its axis. This tilt results in different amounts of solar energy reaching different parts of the Earth, leading to variations in temperature. Additionally, factors such as cloud cover, albedo, and ocean currents also contribute to uneven heating patterns.

Uneven heating of the Earth's surface is due primarily to the position of the?

Uneven heating of the Earth's surface is primarily due to the position of the Earth in relation to the sun. This is influenced by factors such as the angle of sunlight, the amount of atmosphere sunlight passes through, and the curvature of the Earth.

What causes weather on Earth?

the uneven heating of the earth

What causes the unevening of the Earth?

The earth's tilt causes an uneven heating of the earth. The uneven heating due to the tilt causes the different seasons throughout the year.

How does uneven heating of earth's cause winds to flow?

the uneven heating of earth's surface causes pressure differences which set air in motion

What are results from uneven heating of the earth?


How does current formed?

from the uneven heating of earth

What causes the sun to heat the earth unevenly?

The uneven heating of the Earth by the sun is primarily due to variations in the angle of sunlight hitting the Earth's surface. This is influenced by the curvature of the Earth and its tilt on its axis, resulting in different regions receiving varying amounts of sunlight intensity. Additionally, factors like differences in surface composition, albedo, and atmospheric conditions also contribute to the uneven heating.

What is one result of the uneven heating of earth?


What is caused by the uneven heating on earth and the atmosphere?
