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The disk of dust and gas that formed the Sun and planets is known as the solar nebula.The dense concentration of gas at the center of this rotating disk eventually became the Sun.

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Q: What is The disk of dust and gas that formed the sun and planets called?
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Are planets formed from the same clouds of gas and dust as stars?

Yes. As a new star is forming it is surrounded by a disk of gas and dust called a protoplanetary disk. Planets, asteroids, and comets all form from this disk.

Solar system formed from a cloud of dust?

Yes, the solar system including our Sun and planets is believed to have formed from a large disk of gas and dust called a proto-disk or proto-solar disk, due to gravitational effects. It is currently thought that several stars formed from the same cloud as our Sun.

. Scientists believe that Earth and the other planets formed _____.?

They believe the planets formed from a disc of gas and dust called a "protoplanetary disc".

According to the nubular theory what formed the sun and planets of the solar system?

The gravitational contraction of a huge, rotating disk of dust and gases

Will there ever be more planets?

In the words of my physics teacher 'Not in your lifetime!' Planets form from a disk of dust and gas when the star is just a proto-star. Planets cannot form after the star has been formed.

How did the planets and satellites formed?

From rocks, ice, dust, and gas. This process is called Accretion.

Why do planets orbit the sun at different distances?

The planets formed from a disk of gas and dust that surrounded the sun as it formed. This gas and dust clumped together to form the solar system. Two planets cannot occupy orbits that are too close together. If they do, interactions through gravity will either cause them to collide or get moved to different orbits.

Describe the origin of the planets?

the planets originated from clouds of dust that spin on a disk shaped plain.

What happened to the remaining dust after the sun formed?

The dust that remained after the sun formed coalesced to form planets, asteroids, and comets.

What do you call a large cloud of gas and dust such as the one that formed our solar system?

That is called an accretion disk or a proto-Solar system.

Astronomers think planets formed from interstellar dust and gases that clumped together in a process called?

Planetesimal formation.

What caused dust clouds to form planets over time?

The spinning disk of dust that existed after the formation of the Sun caused dust clouds to form planets over time. Gravity caused the material to come together to form planets.