

What is a person's mass on the moon?

Updated: 6/24/2024
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13y ago

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It can be said to have no weight, as its weight could only be expressed if it were stationary in the Earth's gravitational field. However its mass (the matter it contains) is about 7.35x1022 kg. This is about 1/80th the mass of the Earth.

There is a large distinction between weight and mass. Mass has to do with the amount of matter is in some object, and determines how hard it is to push something around. Weight is how big the force of gravity is that is acting on some object. An object has the same mass no-matter where it is, but its weight depends on being close to the Earth or some other planet. For example, if you were out in space, far away from any planets, you would have no weight since there is no gravity, but your mass would still be the same as it is here on Earth.

So, it makes more sense to talk about the mass of the moon than its weight.

Relative Weight of Objects

It is usually not appropriate to talk about the weight of astronomical objects because the force of gravity varies, depending on the mass of a pair of objects, and their distance from one another. For example, if Earth attracts a table with a force of 100N, then the table attracts the Earth with the same force of 100N (Newton's Third Law), so the weight of Earth - on that table - is 100N. If you took the table millions of miles from Earth, that weight (the table or the Earth) would be much smaller, because the effect of Earth's gravity would be much less.

Instead of asking about the weight of objects, compare the objects' masses - those don't change, or hardly change.

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1mo ago

A person's mass on the moon would be the same as on Earth because mass remains constant regardless of location. However, their weight on the moon would be about 1/6th of their weight on Earth due to the moon's weaker gravitational pull.

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13y ago

The same as on the Earth. It may "weigh" less on the Moon, but that is because the gravitational effect (acceleration due to gravity) is less on the Moon than on the Earth, but the mass does not change.

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8y ago

The mass of the Moon is 7.3477 × 1022 kg.


In comparison to Earth, mass of moon = 0.0123 Earths. The Moon's mass is 1/81 of Earth's.

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15y ago

The average mass of the moon is 3.34 grams per cubic cm.

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14y ago

Mass does not change, regardless of where you are.

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13y ago

A person's mass on the moon is approximately 0.165g, but if you need it in kilograms, then it is 165kg

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12y ago

It's approxamitley 7.3477 x 10 to the power of of 22. That's about...let's see...doo Dee doo...carrry the one.... and.... there! The mass of the moon is 73477000000000000000000 kilograms.

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8y ago

The moon is 27.3% Earth's radius, 2% Earth's volume, and 1.2% Earth's mass.

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A persons mass never changes. A persons WEIGHT changes according to the amount of gravitational force put on the object. Some 1 on the moon WEIGHS less on the moon but still has the same mass. Mass plays a factor in the weight but a persons mass never changes by where the person is or so I think.

Why is a persons weight different on earth than on the moon?

The gravity is less on the Moon, because the Moon is smaller than earth; it has less mass, and therefore "sucks" less than the earth. Weight is gravity times mass, you have the same mass on Earth and on the Moon (and in space), but weigh less on the moon.

Is the mass of the moon greater than the mass of the earth?

No, the mass of the Earth is greater than the mass of the Moon. The Earth's mass is approximately 81 times greater than the mass of the Moon.

What is the mass of Moon's?

The mass of the Moon is 7.3477 × 1022 kg.AdditionallyIn comparison to Earth, mass of moon = 0.0123 Earths. The Moon's mass is 1/81 of Earth's.

What is the moon's mass compared to the earth's mass?

1 earth mass = 81.78 moon mass (rounded)1 moon mass = 0.01223 earth mass = 1.223% of earth mass (rounded)The mass of the moon is only 1.2 percent of the mass of Earth.

Does the earth and the moon have the same amount of mass?

No, the Earth has a much greater mass than the Moon. The Earth's mass is about 81 times greater than the Moon's mass.

What are the 3 factors of weight?

The mass of the object, the mass of the object that is attracting it and the distance between their centres of gravity.So your weight on the moon will depend on your mass, the moon's mass and the distance from your centre of gravity to the moon's.The mass of the object, the mass of the object that is attracting it and the distance between their centres of gravity.So your weight on the moon will depend on your mass, the moon's mass and the distance from your centre of gravity to the moon's.The mass of the object, the mass of the object that is attracting it and the distance between their centres of gravity.So your weight on the moon will depend on your mass, the moon's mass and the distance from your centre of gravity to the moon's.The mass of the object, the mass of the object that is attracting it and the distance between their centres of gravity.So your weight on the moon will depend on your mass, the moon's mass and the distance from your centre of gravity to the moon's.

Is the moon more massive than the earth?

No. The earth's mass is equal to about 82 times the moon's mass. (Moon's mass is equal to about 1.2% of the earth's mass.)

What percentage of moon mass is earths mass?

Earth's moon is roughly 1.2% the mass of earth.

What is the mass of the Moon compared to the mass of the Earth in fractions?

The mass of the moon is about 1/80 that of Earth.

Where is it possible to find a persons moon sign?

To find a persons moon sign check out the moon sign calendar. Check out Moon Connection, Moon Catsastrology, and Astrology; which will all give you information to find out what sign you are and more information on your sign.

Which weighs more the moon or Pluto?

In terms of mass - not weight - the Moon has more mass than Pluto.The Moon has a mass of 7.3477 x 1022 kgPluto has a mass of 1.305 × 1022 kg or about 0.178 that of the Moon