

What is an equant?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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It's also known as an eccentric equator, a situation where the center appears to move in an uniform manner.

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What is equant?

Equant means Connection in Latin

Where did Ptolemy think earth was?

Don't get mad at him for being unsmart like everyone does. He placed the earth at the center of the celestial sphere contains 1025 fixed stars and 7 wanderers. His mathematical model is the most accurate model before Kepler. Everyone says that he used 80 or some huge number of epicycle to be accurate. No, he used 6 epicycles, 2 crank mechanisms, 6 eccenters, and 5? Equants. To compare with other, less accurate methods, Aristotle lovely homeocentric sphere had 34 or 45 components, and copernicus also used 34 rotating spheres. Some people, however thought that the eccenter and Equant violated Plato's idea of uniform circular motion, since this meant motion was not even, and not centered on the earth or a deferent. Al-Tusi, Al-Urdi and Ibn-Ash-Shatir made models based on the almagest which replaced the eccenter and Equant with epicycle, these models are also accurate, but do not comply with a physical model. One other thing is that no matter what you do with ptolemy's model, it is still geometrical, for the purpose of astrology, and not a physical model. I spent an hour decoding the Equant, eccenter and epicycle into algebra, no matter what you do with the model, the calculating is hard.

What was ptolemy's explanation about the orbits of mercury and venus?

Venus moved on an eccentric and epicycle, the same as outer planets, but the Center of the epicycle followed the mean sun. Mercury is more confusing, with a crank mechanism that brings the epicycle closer and farther in an ellipse throuout the year, there probably was an Equant too. Venus' model at least was very accurate, and I can't find Mercury's accuracy.

What are some six letter words with 1st letter E and 2nd letter Q and 3rd letter U and 6th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern EQU--T. That is, six letter words with 1st letter E and 2nd letter Q and 3rd letter U and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: equant

What are some six letter words with 1st letter E and 3rd letter U and 5th letter N and 6th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern E-U-NT. That is, six letter words with 1st letter E and 3rd letter U and 5th letter N and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: eluant eluent equant

What type of system was the Ptolemy's?

Ptolemy had three different systems for explaining planetary orbit all of which were geocentric in nature. Meaning they had the earth at the center of the known universe. There was an epicycle on deferent model. In which the planets rotated in perfectly circular orbits (epicycle) around a point in space which then rotated in a larger circle (defernet) around the earth. The second model was called the eccentric model in which the planets rotated around a large circle with its center of orbit being a point at the center with the location of the earth being of centered, and the earth remaining stationary. The third model was the equant model in which the earth and a location in space called the equant were located on equal but opposite sides of the center of the planets orbit. The whole point to all of these was to attempt to preserve the traditional view of planetary movement being uniform and the earth being at the center while still explaining such oddities as retrograde. Which is when a planet continues in one direction and then makes a temporary reversal in motion and carries on back in the opposite direction only to resume it regular course. Source: Copernican Questions

What are some six letter words with 5th letter N and 6th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 153 words with the pattern ----NT. That is, six letter words with 5th letter N and 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: absent accent actant advent afront aidant amount anoint ardent argent aroint aroynt arpent arrant ascent askant aslant assent attent avaunt bejant bewent bezant bident byzant cadent cement chaunt client cogent covent creant criant decant decent dement detent docent dolent dopant dotant draunt durant eident eluant eluent enfant equant errant exeunt extant extent fiaunt flaunt fluent foment forint galant gelant gerent gyrant humint inbent incant incent indent infant intent invent jacent jurant lament latent learnt levant libant loment lucent manent moment mutant naiant natant nocent nutant octant optant orient ostent parent patent pedant pesant pezant piment plaint pliant ponent potent pudent quaint queint recant recent regent relent remint repent rerent resent retint rident rodent savant scient scrunt secant sedent sejant silent sklent sonant splent splint sprent sprint squint strunt talant talent tenant tonant truant tyrant unbent unkent unpent unrent unsent untent unwont upsent upwent urgent vacant virent volant vorant wisent yblent ybrent yshent zelant

List all 6 letter words starting with e?

eadish, eagers, eagles, eaglet, earcap, earful, earing, earlap, earlet, earned, earner, earths, earthy, earwax, earwig, easels, easers, easier, easies, easily, easing, easter, eatage, eaters, eatery, eating, ebbing, ebcdic, eburin, ecarte, ecbole, echini, echoed, echoer, echoes, echoey, echoic, echoon, eclair, eclats, eclegm, ecoles, ecoute, ectopy, ectype, ecurie, eczema, eddaic, eddied, eddies, eddish, eddoes, edemas, edenic, edgers, edgier, edgily, edging, edible, edicts, edison, edited, editor, educed, educes, educts, edward, eelier, eelpot, eerier, eerily, efface, effect, effete, effigy, efflux, efform, effort, effray, effume, effund, effuse, efreet, egence, egesta, eggcup, eggers, eggery, egghot, egging, eggler, eggnog, egises, egling, egoism, egoist, egoity, egress, egrets, egriot, ehlite, eiders, eidola, eiffel, eighth, eights, eighty, eiking, either, ejecta, ejects, ekabor, elaeis, elaine, elance, elands, elanet, elapse, elated, elater, elates, elbows, elcaja, eldern, elders, eldest, elding, elects, elegit, elemin, elench, elenge, eleven, elevon, elfins, elfish, elfkin, elicit, elided, elides, elijah, elison, elisor, elites, elixir, elknut, elleck, elmier, elohim, eloign, eloped, eloper, elopes, elrich, eluded, eluder, eludes, elvers, elvish, elwand, elysia, elytra, embace, embale, emball, embalm, embank, embark, embars, embase, embays, embeam, embeds, embers, emblem, embody, emboil, emboli, emboly, emboss, embowl, embows, embrew, embrue, embryo, embulk, embush, embusy, emceed, emcees, emeers, emends, emerge, emeril, emesis, emetic, emeute, emigre, emmets, emmies, emmove, emodin, emoted, emoter, emotes, empair, empale, empark, empasm, empawn, empery, empire, employ, emptor, empugn, empuse, emrods, emulge, emydea, enable, enacts, enamel, enamor, enarch, enates, enatic, enbibe, encage, encamp, encase, encash, encave, encina, encode, encore, encowl, encyst, endark, endear, enders, endict, ending, endite, endive, endome, endoss, endows, endrin, endued, endues, endure, enduro, endyma, enemas, energy, enerve, enface, enfant, enfect, enfire, enfold, enform, enfree, engage, engaol, engild, engine, engird, engirt, englue, englut, engore, engram, engulf, enhalo, enhort, enigma, enjall, enjoin, enjoys, enlace, enlard, enlimn, enlink, enlist, enlive, enlock, enlute, enmesh, enmist, enmity, enmove, enmure, ennead, ennuis, ennuye, enodal, enoint, enopla, enough, enrace, enrage, enrank, enrapt, enrich, enring, enrive, enrobe, enroll, enrols, enroot, ensafe, ensate, enseal, enseam, ensear, enseel, ensign, ensile, ensoul, ensued, ensues, ensure, entail, entame, entend, enters, entice, entire, entity, entoil, entomb, entrap, entree, entune, envied, envier, envies, envois, envoys, enwall, enwind, enwomb, enwrap, enzyme, eocene, eolian, eolith, eonian, eozoic, eozoon, eparch, epaule, epeira, ephori, ephors, ephyra, epical, epigee, epigon, epilog, epizoa, epocha, epochs, epodic, eponym, epopee, epulis, equals, equant, equate, equery, equine, equips, equity, erased, eraser, erases, erbium, erebus, erects, erenow, ergots, eriach, ericas, eringo, erinys, ermine, ernest, eroded, erodes, eroses, erotic, errand, errant, errata, erring, errors, ersatz, erucae, erucic, eructs, erupts, eryngo, escape, escarp, escars, eschar, eschew, escort, escout, escrod, escrol, escrow, escudo, eskimo, esloin, esnecy, esodic, esopic, espace, espial, espied, espier, espies, esprit, essays, essene, essoin, estate, esteem, esters, esther, estops, estray, estrin, estrum, estrus, estufa, esture, etched, etcher, etches, eterne, ethane, ethene, ethers, ethics, ethide, ethine, ethiop, ethnic, ethule, ethyls, etnean, etoile, etudes, etymic, etymon, euchre, euclid, eugene, eugeny, eulogy, eunomy, eunuch, eureka, europe, eutaxy, evaded, evader, evades, evanid, evened, evener, evenly, events, everse, everts, evicts, eviler, evilly, evince, evoked, evoker, evokes, evolve, evomit, evzone, exacta, exacts, exaled, exalts, examen, exarch, excamb, excave, exceed, excels, except, excern, excerp, excess, excide, excise, excite, excoct, excuse, excuss, exedra, exempt, exequy, exerts, exeunt, exhale, exhort, exhume, exiled, exiles, exilic, exists, exited, exmoor, exodic, exodus, exogen, exolve, exotic, expand, expect, expede, expels, expend, expert, expire, expiry, explat, expone, export, expose, expugn, exsect, exsert, extacy, extant, extasy, extend, extent, extern, extill, extine, extirp, extoll, extols, extort, extras, exuded, exudes, exults, exurbs, exuvia, eyalet, eyebar, eyecup, eyeful, eyeing, eyelet, eyelid, eyghen, eyliad, eyries, eysell,

What are some six letter words with 1st letter E?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 673 words with the pattern E-----. That is, six letter words with 1st letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: eadish eagers eagled eagles eaglet eagres eaning earbob earbud earcon earded earful earing earlap earned earner earths earthy earwax earwig easels easers easied easier easies easily easing easles eassel eassil easted easter eatage eatche eaters eatery eathly eating ebayer ebbets ebbing ebooks ecarte ecbole ecesic ecesis echard eching echini echium echoed echoer echoes echoey echoic eclair eclats eclose econut ectopy ectype ecurie eczema eddied eddies eddish eddoes edemas edenic edgers edgier edgily edging edible edicts ediles edited editor educed educes educts eeched eeches eejits eelier eerier eerily eevens efface effect effeir effere effete effigy effing efflux effort effray effuse eftest egally egence egency egesta egests eggars eggcup eggers eggery eggier egging eggler eggnog egises egoism egoist egoity egress egrets eident eiders eidola eighth eights eighty eiking eikons eirack eisell eisels either ejecta ejects ekuele elains elance elands elanet elapid elapse elated elater elates elbows elchee elchis elders eldest elding eldins elects elegit elemis elench eleven elevon elfing elfins elfish eliads eliche elicit elided elides elints elites elixir ellops elmier elodea eloges eloign eloins eloped eloper elopes elpees elshin elsins eltchi eluant eluate eluded eluder eludes eluent eluted elutes elutor eluvia elvans elvers elvish elytra emails embace embail embale emball embalm embank embark embars embase embays embeds embers emblem emblic embody embogs emboil emboli emboly embosk emboss embost embows embrue embryo embusy emceed emcees emdash emeers emends emerge emerod emeses emesis emetic emetin emeute emigre emlets emmers emmesh emmets emmews emmove emodin emoted emoter emotes emoved emoves empale empare emparl empart empery empire employ empted empusa empuse emuled emules emulge emunge emured emures emydes enable enacts enamel enamor enarch enarms enates enatic encage encalm encamp encase encash encave encina encode encore encyst endart endash endear enders endews ending endite endive endoss endows endrin endued endues endure enduro enemas energy enerve enewed enface enfant enfire enfold enform enfree engage engaol engild engilt engine engird engirt englut engobe engore engram engulf enhalo eniacs enigma enisle enjamb enjoin enjoys enlace enlard enleve enlink enlist enlock enmesh enmews enmity enmove ennage ennead ennogs ennuis ennuye enodal enokis enolic enoses enosis enough enrace enrage enrank enrapt enrich enring enrobe enroll enrols enroot ensate enseal enseam ensear enserf ensews ensign ensile ensoul ensued ensues ensure entail entame entera enters entete entice entire entity entoil entomb entrap entree entrez enured enures envied envier envies enviro envois envoys enwall enwind enwomb enwrap enzian enzone enzyme enzyms eocene eolian eolith eonian eonism eosine eosins eothen epacts eparch epaule epeira eperdu ephahs ephebe ephebi ephods ephori ephors epical epigon epilog epimer epizoa epocha epochs epodes epodic eponym epopee epopts eposes eprise eproms epuise epulis equali equals equant equate equids equine equipe equips equity erased eraser erases erbias erbium erects eremic erenow ergate ergons ergots eriach ericas ericks eringo erinus erlang ermine erning eroded erodes eroses erotic errand errant errata erring errors ersatz erucic eructs erugos erupts eruvim eruvin ervils eryngo escape escarp escars eschar eschew escort escots escroc escrol escrow escudo esiles eskars eskers eskies esloin esnecy espada espial espied espier espies esprit essays essive essoin estate esteem esters estocs estops estral estray estrin estros estrum estrus etages etalon etamin etapes etched etcher etches eterne ethals ethane ethene ethers ethics ethion ethnic ethnos ethoxy ethyls ethyne etoile etrier ettins ettled ettles etudes etwees etymic etymon etypic eucain euchre eughen euking eulogy eumong eumung eunuch euouae eupads euphon eupnea eureka euripi euroky eusols eutaxy evaded evader evades evejar evened evener evenly events everts evicts eviler evilly evince evited evites evoked evoker evokes evolue evolve evovae evulse evzone ewftes ewghen ewking exacta exacts exacum exalts examen exarch excamb exceed excels except excess excide excise excite excuse exeats exedra exeems exemed exemes exempt exequy exerts exeunt exhale exhort exhume exiled exiler exiles exilic exines exists exited exodes exodic exodoi exodos exodus exogen exomis exonic exonym exopod exotic expand expats expect expels expend expert expire expiry export expose expugn exsect exsert extant extasy extend extent extern extine extirp extold extoll extols extort extras exuded exudes exults exurbs exuvia eyalet eyases eyebar eyecup eyeful eyeing eyelet eyelid eyliad eyries

What are some six letter words with 6th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1220 words with the pattern -----T. That is, six letter words with 6th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: abduct abject ablaut ablest abrupt absent aburst abvolt abwatt accent accept accost acquit actant addict adduct adjust admixt adrift adroit advect advent advert affect affret afloat afreet afront ageist aghast agorot aidant aiglet aigret airest albeit albert alight aliyot almost amidst amoret amount amulet anenst anicut anight anklet anoint aorist applet apport aptest ardent argent aright armlet armpit aroint aroynt arpent arrant arrect arrest artist ascent askant aslant aspect asport aspout asquat assart assent assert assist assort assott astart astert astrut attent attest attrit atwixt august auklet aurist autist avaunt avocet avoset backet baggit baguet ballat ballet ballot bampot bandit banket bankit bannet barbet barbut barest barnet barrat barret basalt basest basket basnet basset batlet becket bedsit bedust befret begift begilt begirt behest bejant beknot bemist bemixt bennet bepelt bereft berret besmut besort bespat bespit bespot bewent bewept bezant bident billet biodot bisect blaest blight bluest bobcat boblet bogart bonist bonnet borsht bosket bosset botnet bouget bought bowget bowpot breast breest breist brevet bricht bright browst brulot brunet bucket budget buffet buglet bugout bullet bunnet burbot burnet busket buyout bypast byzant cablet cabrit cachet cadent cahoot callet camlet cannot caplet caract carlot carnet carpet carrat carrot casket catcht catgut caught caveat cavort cement cermet chalet chalot charet chaunt chenet chevet chewet claret claspt client closet cobalt cobnut cocket codist coedit coempt cogent cohort cohost collet comart combat comfit commit commot compot confit coplot copout coquet cornet corset corvet cosset covent covert cowpat coyest cravat creant credit criant cronet cruset cubist cueist cullet curiet curvet cushat cutest cutlet cutout cygnet dacoit dakoit dammit daylit decant deceit decent decoct dectet deduct defast defeat defect degout degust dehort deject delict delist demast dement demist dennet depart depict deport desalt desert desist despot detect detent detest detort devest devout dewitt dicast didact digest diglot dikast diktat dimout dimwit dipnet diquat direct direst dittit divert divest docent docket doitit dolent domett donnat donnot doocot dooket dopant dotant doucet dought dowset drapet draunt dreamt driest dryest drylot dugout dulcet duplet durant dynast eaglet econut effect effort eftest egoist eident elanet eldest elegit elicit eluant eluent embost empart encyst endart enfant engilt engirt englut enlist enrapt enroot equant errant escort esprit except exempt exeunt exhort expect expert export exsect exsert extant extent extort eyalet eyelet faggot fanjet farfet faucet favest fayest ferest ferret fewest fewmet feyest fiaunt fidget filfot fillet finest firlot flaunt flemit fliest flight floret fluent flyest foment forcat forest forgat forget forgot forint format forpet forpit forrit fouest fought freest fremit fricht fright frigot frowst fruict funest fustet fylfot gablet gadget gainst galant galiot gallet galoot gambet gambit gamest gammat gannet garget garnet garret garrot gasket gaslit gayest gedact geddit gelant gennet gerent geyest gibbet giblet giggit giglet giglot gillet gimlet gobbet goblet godwit goglet goiest gorget goslet grivet gromet groset grovet guglet gullet gumnut gurlet gurnet gusset gutrot gyrant haffet haffit hagbut haglet hairst halest hallot hamlet harlot haslet haught haulst hawkit hazmat height helmet henbit hepcat hereat heriot hermit hexact hobbit hogget hognut holist honest hornet hotpot howlet howzat howzit hugest humect humint hylist iciest idlest illest imaret impact impart import impost inbent incant incent incept incest incult indart indent indict induct indult infant infect infeft infelt infest ingest inject inkjet inkpot inmost insect insert insist insult intact intent intort intuit invent invert invest irrupt jacent jacket jampot jennet jesuit jillet juglet jumart junket jurant jurist kainit kaputt karait keight kennet keppit keyset khalat khilat kidlet kidult killut kismat kismet kitset klepht knight konfyt krubut labret lament lamest lancet lappet lariat lasket latent latest lavolt lawest laxest laxist layout learnt legist leglet levant libant likest limpet lingot linnet lionet livest locket locust loggat logout loment loquat loriot loupit lowest lowsit lucent luchot lutist lyrist maggot magnet mahout malist mallet mammet manent market marmot mascot matzot maumet mawmet mayest mazout mercat merest merlot midget midgut mikvot millet minuet misact miscut miseat misfit mishit mislit mismet misset misust modest modist molest moment mommet monact mongst monist moppet motett motmot mought mudcat mullet muppet muscat musket muskit mutant mutest mysost nacket naiant natant naught nefast newest nicest nidget nirlit nitwit nobbut nocent nocket nonart nonfat nougat nought nudest nudist nugget numbat nutant nutlet object oblast oboist obtect obtest obvert occult ocelot ocicat octant octett oddest oecist offcut offput offset oftest oikist oillet oilnut oldest olfact olivet omelet onbeat oncost oocyst optant orchat orgeat orient ostent outact outeat outfit outhit outjet outjut outlet output outsat outset outsit outwit ouvert oxcart packet palest pallet pandit papist parent parget parrot patent payout peanut pearst pedant peewit peinct pellet pelmet penult perfet permit pesant pezant picket pierst piglet pignut pigout piment pinnet pinxit piolet piquet pirnit placet placit plaint planet pliant plight pocket ponent pookit poppet poppit posnet posset potent poukit preact precut preset priest privet probit profit projet prompt prosit prutot pucest pudent pullet pulpit pundit punnet puppet purest purist putout qiviut quaint queest queint quight quoist rabbet rabbit rachet racist racket ragout raiyat ramcat ramjet rapist rarest raught rawest raylet rebait reboot recant recast recent recept recoat redact redipt redout reduit reedit reemit refect refelt reflet refoot regent regest regilt reglet regret reheat reject reknit reknot relent relict relist reluct remeet remelt remint remixt renest rennet repast repeat repent replot report repost requit rerent reseat resect resent reshot resift resist resort respot result retest retint retort revert revest revolt riblet rident rifest rigout rillet ripest ripost robust rochet rocket rodent roopit roquet rotgut rought roupet roupit rubbet rubbit rubout rudest runlet runnet runout russet sabbat sacbut sachet sadist safest sagbut sagest saidst sallet samlet sanest savant sawpit sayest sceatt schist schout schuit schuyt scient screet script scrunt sculpt searat secant secret sedent sejant select semmit sennet sennit septet serest sestet setout sexist sexpot sextet shalot shiest shrift shyest signet silent sinnet sippet sizist sklent skylit sleest sliest slight slyest smight smilet sobeit socket soffit sonant sonnet sorbet sorest sought soviet sperst spight spigot spinet spirit splent splint spoilt sprent sprint sprout spruit squint squirt stealt stilet strait street strict strift stript strout strunt stylet subact sublet sublot submit subnet subset succot sucket sukkot summat summit sumpit sunhat sunket sunlit sunset surbet surest sweert sweirt swivet syndet tablet tabret tacket talant talbot talent tallat tallet tallit tallot tamest tanist tapist tappet tappit target taslet tasset taught tautit tavert teapot telnet tenant tercet terret territ tewart tewhit theist thibet thirst threat thrift thrist throat thrust thwart ticket tidbit timist tinpot tipcat tippet tirrit titbit toilet tomcat tomtit tonant tonlet tooart toquet torret toupet trevet triact tricot trijet trivet truant truest tryout tubist tucket tuffet tumult turbit turbot turret tweest twight twilit typist tyrant umlaut umwelt unbelt unbent unbitt unbolt unboot uncart uncast uncolt unfact unfelt unfixt ungilt ungirt unhurt unjust unkent unkept unknit unknot unlast unlost unmeet unmixt unnest unpent unrent unrest unroot unseat unsent unshot unshut unsoft unsuit untent unvext unwept unwist unwont upbeat upcast updart upgirt upknit uplift upmost uprest uprist uproot upryst upsent upshot uptilt upwaft upwent urgent urtext utmost vacant varlet vellet velvet verdet verdit verist verset vervet vibist vilest violet virent volant volost vorant wabbit wadset wallet walnut waucht waught waurst weight weskit whilst whisht wicket widest widget wiglet willet wisent wisest wisket witgat wombat wommit woobut worrit worset woubit wriest wright wryest yaourt yarest yblent ybrent yclept yogurt ypight yplast yshent zealot zelant

Where did Johannes Kepler live and travel?

Johannes Kepler, who was the first to explain planetary motion correctly, was born on December 27, 1571 and died November 15, 1630 in Regensberg, Germany after an illness. He was 59. The destruction of the churchyard where he was buried has resulted in the loss of the location of his grave. A link can be found below.