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Electromagnetic (EM) radiation is the word we use for any sort of energy wave that propagates through space. We can measure the frequency of the wave, or the wavelength.

The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, which is about 300,000,000 meters per second. We can use this to convert frequency to wavelength; the frequency (in Hertz) times the wavelength (in meters) equals the speed of light.

The EM spectrum includes radio, microwaves, heat, light, X-rays and gamma rays; it is all electromagnetic radiation, and the only difference is the frequency (or wavelength). So heat rays are part of the EM spectrum that is just below the red color of light, so "infra-" (below) red; infrared. Infrared (IR) is light that is a frequency a little below what our eyes can see, just as ultraviolet (UV) rays are just light that's a little higher in frequency than our eyes see.

We see when light is reflected back to our eyes. When light hits vegetation, it reflects best in the IR range, so satellite photos in the IR range can see tiny changes in the way we see plants.

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Q: What is the difference between Infrared and visible satellite images?
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What kinds of light come from the sun?

Infrared, Visible, & Ultraviolet

Which parts of the Sun's radiation are responsible for heating Earth's surface?

Visible and infrared

What are the infrared light used for?

Infrared light has a large range of applications, and is often utilized where visible light cannot be detected, or something is blocking visible light but does not block infrared light. For example, when looking toward the center of the Milky Way large amounts of dust obscure the visible light that emanates from the center of the galaxy. This dust though does not obscure infrared light at certain wavelengths, and so astronomers can use cameras that are sensitive to this infrared light to obtain a picture of this region of space. Infrared light is also used in thermal imaging systems, and night-vision instruments are often sensitive to the infrared wavelengths that are emitted by warm objects.

How do human beings perceive infrared radiation?

Infrared radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes radio waves, microwaves, visible light, ultraviolet, X rays and gamma rays. Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths than the red part of the visible spectrum (hence the name infrared for below red) and is invisible to the human eye. However humans do sense infrared as heat. So when you are warming yourself on a cold day with a roaring fire or hands around a hot drink it is the infrared radiation you are feeling.

Is red light visible?

That depends on whether it's still in the visible light range that human eyes can detect. If it's beyond red it will be infrared, a light wave with wavelength/frequency that we cannot detect. The frequency range of red light is between 484 THz to 384 THz. The wavelength of visible red light is between 620 nm to 750 nm.

Related questions

What is the difference between infrared light and visible light ultraviolet light?

The difference is their wavelengths.

What is the basic difference between ultravilolet visible light and infrared radiation?

Their wavelength.

What is difference between visible and infrared light?

Visible light is visible (for the human eye), infrared is not. Infrared has a longer wavelength, and a higher frequency. visible light is visible to human i.e the VIBGYOR, above vibgyor are ultravoilet light which is not visible to human eye and below vibgyor are infrared light which is also not visible to human eye.

What kind of electromagnetic radiation did the IRAS satellite detect?

visible light, infrared rays, and microwaves

Which form of radiation has the longest wavelength between infrared and visible?

Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths.

What is the difference between Ultravlotet and infrared?

They are the extreme ends of the spectrum. The ultraviolet has much more energy than the quantum of the infrared wave. They are quite the opposite of each other. Consider the visible spectrum of VIBGYOR. Ultra violet occurs on the left of V and infrared occurs on the right of R. Hope you understand the difference. They are the extreme opposite poles beyond the visible spectrum.

What electromagnetic wave is located between infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation in the visible spectrum?

The term "electromagnetic" is the wrong term. The correct term is "photoelectric". Aslo the phrase between the infrared and ultraviolet should be stated: between the thresholds of infrared and ultra-violet light. So the correct question would be: What is the region of the photoelectric spectrum that lies between the thresholds of infrared and ultra-violet light? Answer: The visible light spectrum

Is ther a difference between imaging and infrared imaging?

Not much. Some put the span of the IR spectra at a lightly different place than the thermal span, but the difference is marginal.

Where does infrared heat come from?

Infrared lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared waves that are near to visible light do not generate heat and are used in TV remote controls. Infrared waves that are far from the visible end of the light spectrum are thermal and generate heat. The infrared heat from the sun, a lamp or a radiator is a type of far infrared radiation.

What type of wireless transmission requires a line-of-sight clearance?

An infrared transceiver, also called an IrDA (Infrared Data Association) transceiver or an IR transceiver, provides an infrared port for wireless communication. Microwave links offer high speed data transfer and also require line of sight between the transponders. Additionally, satellite receivers demand a clear path to the satellite itself although cloud cover and other atmospheric conditions mean that a line of visible sight is not required.

Where is visible light along the EM spectrum?

Right between infrared and ultraviolet. It has higher frequencies than infrared; lower frequencies than ultraviolet.

Difference between infrared waves and red light waves?

Infrared waves have longer wavelengths compared to red light waves. The wavelengths of infrared waves are too long for the naked eye to see, while red light waves can be seen as part of visible light.