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what causes stars to give off heat and light is when the poporazzi abushes them and they get really mad...that would be the heat. and the flashes form the cameras would be the light

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Nuclear fusion.

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Q: What process cause stars to give off heat and light?
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How can stars give off their own light?

stars turn hydrogen into heavier elements in nuclear fusion. this process gives off light and heat.

Does the sun give the stars light?

No, the sun gives light to the moon, but not the stars. the stars give their own light.

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The stars give off light

Do the stars reflect light or give out light?

Stars give out light. The sun is a relatively small star but it's a a lot close than the others making it appear bigger. Stars are explosions and give out light.

Where do stars get light?

Stars produce light through the process of nuclear fusion. As a star burns hydrogen (in most cases) it turns into helium, the energy released creates photons or particles of light. However, not all stars give off light. Only stars with enough fuel to sustain fusion can produce visible light.

Why you can see the stars?

we an see the stars because stars give out light.

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