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It is shorter because going around the Sun is big enough, but when there is space between it, it makes it longer to go around it.

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Q: When a planet is closer to the Sun is the orbit around the Sun shorter or longer?
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How long does each planet of the solar system take to rotate?

each planet has a different amount of time i takes to rotate around the sun so all i can say is that the closer you are te shorter and the farther you are the longer:)

A year on a planet is based on the amount of time for a planet to do what?

A year is the amount of time that a planet takes to orbit the sun (go around it). So a planet that is closer to the sun will have a shorter year than a further out planet because the closer planet orbits quicker.

Does the closest planet to the sun have the shortest orbit?

Yes. The closer an object is to the Sun, the shorter the distance it has to travel to get around it.

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The length of a planet's year is the time it takes to complete one orbit around the Sun. The closer a planet is to the Sun the shorter its year. There are 2 reasons for that: 1) The planet's orbital path is shorter. 2) The nearer a planet is to the Sun, the faster it moves in its orbit.

Why a planet farther from the sun has a longer period of revolution than a planet closer to the sun?

Because they have a larger distance to cover in their revolution. It's like they have a bigger circle to go around, planets closer have a smaller circle to rotate around.

Why inner planet take shorter time revolution around the sun?

The reason why inner planet take shorter time to revolve around the sun is because since they are closer to the sun they don't have to go through a great distance to complete a full orbit where as neptune is far away and has a greater distance to travel.

Is a day on Jupiter longer on another planet or shorter?

Jupiter has the shortest "day" of any planet in the solar system.

Why does mercury have a shorter year than earth?

Mercury is closer to the Sun than Jupiter, therefore it takes less longer for Mercury to go around the Sun. Likewise Jupiter's year is shorter than Uranus, because Jupiter is closer to the Sun than Uranus.

What planet completes its revolution before earth?

Mercury and Venus both have shorter years than Earth does. They are closer to the sun and the orbit is shorter than Earth's.

Does the distance of the planet from the sun affects its period of revolution?

Yes the closer to the Sun a planet is the shorter is its Revolution (orbit), as it has less distance to travel to go round once.

Would a year on the planets take longer or shorter then an earth year explain?

It depends on the planet. The planets orbiting closer to the sun than earth (Mercury and Venus) have shorter years, because they have smaller orbits, and travel faster. The planets further from the sun (Mars, Jupier, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) have longer years because they have larger orbits and travel slower.

Would a year on the planet Neptune be longer or shorter than on Earth year?

the year would be longer because i feel like saying this