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The full moon appears in the western part of the sky at sunset. The full moon will rises over the western horizon as the sun sets.

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Q: Where in the sky will the full moon appear at sunset?
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What phase of the moon at sunset is high in the southern sky?

The first quarter moon is high in the sky at sunset, but for it to be high in the SOUTHERN sky tells us that you are in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the Sun and Moon pass NORTH of the observer.

Why cant you see the moon when the sun is shining?

You can. As the moon approaches full, it is visible in the eastern sky just before sunset. After it is full and it starts to wane, it can be seen in the western sky in the morning.

Why does the full moon always rise at sunset?

The full moon rises at sunset because it is positioned directly opposite the sun in the sky, leading to its appearance as the sun sets. This alignment results in the full moon being visible in the sky for the entire night, with its brightness reaching a peak as it crosses the meridian opposite the sun.

Why can't you never see a full moon overhead at sunset?

That would place the moon 1/4 of a full sky away from the sun, but the Full Moon is fullonly because it's 1/2 of a full sky away from the sun. So when the moon is full, it must risefrom one horizon at the same time that the sun is setting at the opposite horizon.

Which phase of the moon happens right after a third quarter moon?

The lunar cycle begins at the New Moon when the moon has just passed the sun in its travel from west to east in the "pm" sky, and it sets just after sunset. After a week the moon is a quarter of its way around the Earth and so at sunset it is high in the sky. This is called the First Quarter. The first Quarter Moon follows the sun from east to west and sets at midnight. When the moon has done half of its monthly journey, it is on the side of the Earth opposite the Sun and the Moon is Full. It rises at sunset and can be seen in the sky all night, setting at dawn. In the Third Quarter Phase, the moon is three quarters of the way around and at sunset it is directly below us. It has apparently shifted from the sunset area (at New Moon) to overhead at sunset (First Quarter) to Eastern horizon at sunset (Full Moon), to below us at sunset (Third Quarter). At Third Quarter, the Moon rises at midnight and will be high in the sky at sunrise. It will set about mid-day.

When is a full moon at its highest in the sky?

The exact time the moon reaches it's highest point in the sky varies with the moon's phases, but using the four major moon phases as an example, the New Moon is highest at noon, First Quarter is highest at sunset, Full Moon is highest at midnight and Third Quarter is highest at sunrise.

What phase of the moon at sunset is in the southwestern sky?

If the Moon is in the southwestern sky at sunset, then you are in the northern hemisphere, and the Moon is in the waxing crescent phase. You can probably guess, within one day, how many days "old" the Moon is, in days after the new moon. If the Moon is straight south at sunset, then it was 7 days old at first quarter; if it was southwest, it was about 3-4 days past the new.

Why does the moon appear to have color during an eclipse?

Sunlight that passes through the Earth's atmosphere gets filtered by a process officially known as Rayleigh scattering; that is why the sky is blue, and the sunset is red. If some of that red light from the sunset reaches the moon, then the moon will also take on a reddish color.

Why do we not see the moon during full moon?

The only reasons why you wouldn't be able to see the full moon would be that either it is daytime (the full moon rises at sunset, and sets at sunrise), or it is during totality of a lunar eclipse, or your eyes are closed. The full moon is the brightest thing in the night sky. It's almost possible to read by it.

What phase of the moon is rising at 7 PM?

by the time the Earth has completed one rotation (in 24 h), the Moon is in a slightly different place because it has traveled along about 1/30 of the way in it's orbit around the Earth in that 24-h period. That's why the moon rises and sets about 50 mins.

When and where is waning moon seen in the sky?

Seen where - in the sky Seen when - after the full moon.

Does the moon appear to be a different size when it has risen full?

The full moon appears larger when it's low in the sky than it does when it's high. That's easily shown to be an optical illusion. For example, when the moon is photographed both high and low in the sky, both images on the film are the same size.