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When the moon is full, it will just be rising in the east as sunset. The full moon is exactly opposite the position of the sun.

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2mo ago

The position of the full moon at sunset can vary depending on its phase and location in the sky. However, in general, the full moon rises in the east as the sun sets in the west, so you are likely to see the full moon rising around the time of sunset in the opposite direction.

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14y ago

At the time of New Moon, the sun and moon rise or set at roughly the same time.

The moon isn't visible at that part of its cycle.

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12y ago

The new moon.

The crescent Moon is what you might see because you can't usually see the

new Moon itself.

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Can you see the moon during a new moon?

Both full moon and new moon can be seen at the sunset. But full moon in the east and new moon in the west just after the full sunset.

What time of day does a full moon rise?

A full moon rises at sunset.

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The full moon will appear in the eastern sky at sunset, as the sun is setting in the west. The moon rises in the east as the sun sets in the west, and it reaches its highest point in the sky around midnight.

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Full moon.

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Full moon, or within one day of the full.

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When Earth is in between the Sun and the Moon is the moon up all day?

No, when the Earth is in the middle it's Full Moon and the Moon is up from sunset to sunrise.

When will the full moon rise on 26th oct 2010?

The moon was full on October 23, 2010, and it's not full on October 26th, 2010. The Full Moon always rises very close to the time of sunset.

When does a full moon rise and set?

A full moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise, appearing on the opposite side of the sky as the sun. This is because a full moon is directly opposite the sun in the sky.

What phase of the moon at sunset is high in the southern sky?

The first quarter moon is high in the sky at sunset, but for it to be high in the SOUTHERN sky tells us that you are in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the Sun and Moon pass NORTH of the observer.

What time of day does the full moon appear?

I think it usually appears just after or about sunset.