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Q: Which side of the sun is covered first during a solar eclipse?
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Related questions

Is the east side or the west side of the sun sun covered first during a solar eclipse?

East side.

When the sun is covered by the moon there is an eclipse?

Yes, a solar eclipse.

Does solar power work during an eclipse?

It would during a solar eclipse, but probably not during a lunar eclipse.

Is the east side or the west side of the sun covered first during a solar eclipse?

west side.

Can a first quarter ocour during a toltal solar eclipse?


What is hidden for a short time during a solar eclipse?

The sun is hidden during a solar eclipse

During a solar eclipse the shadow of falls on?

During a solar eclipse, the shadow of the MOON falls on the EARTH.

Where is the observer during a solar eclipse?

If you can see the solar eclipse, then you are in the Moon's shadow.

What is the order of an aligment during a solar eclipse?

During a solar eclipse, the Moon is directly in between the Sun and the Earth; a solar eclipse is the Moon's shadow falling on the Earth.

What kinds of eclipse covered two-third of the sun?

That would be a partial solar eclipse.

What are facts about the first solar eclipse?

It was the first solar eclipse the moon blocked out the sun

When is the first solar eclipse in 2011?

The first solar eclipse of 2011 was on the 4th January.