hi yall
In Greek mythology, the giant who supports heaven on his shoulders is Atlas. He was a Titan condemned by Zeus to carry the heavens for eternity.
Titan, Saturn's largest moon, has a thick atmosphere with organic compounds like methane and ethane. It also has lakes and rivers of liquid methane and ethane on its surface. These unique characteristics make scientists wonder if Titan could potentially harbor some form of life, perhaps different from what we are familiar with on Earth.
No. It rains methane on Titan.
Titan Orbits Saturn because its one of its moons, so say if Saturn was earth and titan was the moon, the moon would orbit the earth.
hi yall
Zues overthrew and Condemned the titan Cronus (as well as the other titans, except for Atlas) into Tartarus.
Zeus overthrew and Condemned the titan Cronus (as well as the other titans, except for Atlas) into Tartarus.
Atlas was a Titan, son of Iapetus. He was condemned to hold the sky for all eternity.
no it does not
It wasn't a god it was a titan (parents of gods). The titan's name was Atlas.
He was one of the leading Titan in the Titanomachy (the war between the Titans and the Olympians). Zeus condemned him to holding up the sky for all eternity.
Titan has no liquid water, no oxygen, no magnetic field, too far away from the sun (TOO COLD). Titan for sure does not support life as we know it.
In Greek mythology, the giant who supports heaven on his shoulders is Atlas. He was a Titan condemned by Zeus to carry the heavens for eternity.
In Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan condemned by Zeus to hold up the sky for eternity. He was often depicted carrying the celestial spheres on his shoulders.
Atlas wasn't a god. Atlas was a titan and he fought for the titans. niether Gods or Titans can "die" so they used him for there needs. Atlas was very stong and a very good warrior. Atlas was instucted to hold up the sky for all eternity for helping the Titans. thus, the name for the maps of the world being named "Atlas's"