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In various mythologies and legends, the creator of the universe is attributed to different deities or beings. For example, in Greek mythology, it is said to be Chaos or Gaia, while in Hinduism, it is Brahma. Each culture has its own beliefs about the origin of the universe.

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Q: Who was the creator of the universe in legends?
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Is Satan the true creator of the universe?

No, Satan is not the true creator of the universe. In many religious beliefs, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, God is believed to be the creator of the universe. Satan is often depicted as a fallen angel who opposes God and spreads evil.

Is Zeus our creator?

In Greek mythology, Zeus is not considered the creator of all things. He is one of the major gods and the ruler of the sky and thunder, but not the ultimate creator of the universe. The concept of creation differs across cultures and belief systems.

Who believe that the universe runs like a clock?

The belief that the universe runs like a clock is commonly associated with the philosophy of Deism, which emerged during the Age of Enlightenment. Deists believe in a creator who designed the universe like a clock, setting it in motion but not interfering with its natural laws and processes. This belief reflects a view of a rational and orderly universe governed by fixed laws.

What is more powerful the God?

The concept of "God" varies greatly among different belief systems and religions. Generally, God is seen as the ultimate power and creator of the universe.

What is the source for creating the universe and why it was created?

Various cultures and religions have different beliefs about the source of the universe. Some believe in a divine being or force, while others have scientific explanations like the Big Bang theory. The reasons for why the universe was created, if it indeed was, also vary among belief systems, ranging from fulfilling a divine plan to random chance.

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The belief in a mechanistic universe fashioned by a creator is often referred to as "theism." This belief holds that there is a divine being (God) who designed and created the universe, and that this creator governs and sustains the workings of the universe.

Is Satan the true creator of the universe?

No, Satan is not the true creator of the universe. In many religious beliefs, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, God is believed to be the creator of the universe. Satan is often depicted as a fallen angel who opposes God and spreads evil.

Do you have the right to question the creator of the universe?

----------------------- Whether you have the right to question the creator of the universe depends on: (1) whether there is, in fact, a creator of the universe; if so, (2) how just and fair the creator is; and then (3) what rights the creator has granted humans. On these points: It has not yet been proven that there is a creator, nor which god this creator really is. If there is a creator and he is the Christian God, then we are assured that he is just and fair. Because he is just and fair, he would have given you the right to question him.

Who is the god in judiasm?

The creator of the universe.

Was Chuck Norris the creator of the universe?

No he was not :)

Who invented Steven universe?

Rebecca Sugar is the Creator of the series Steven Universe

Who is the icon and creator of the religion Islam?

He is God (Allah in Arabic), the Creator of the universe and the Creator of you and me, and the Creator of every thing you know and you don't know..

Who was creator of the universe in the Greek mythology?
