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so they can find out about the early solar system and how planets were formed

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There was a range of organic molecules found in it.

70 different amino acids.

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Q: Why are scientists interested in studying meteorites?
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How can studying meteorites help us understand the composition of asteroids?

Meteorites help us understand the composition of asteroids because meteorites are small asteroids.

Antarctica is the best place in the world to find what?

Antarctica is the best place in the world for scientists to find meteorites. Scientists find meteorites in the Antarctic blue ice.

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Why are scientists are interested in meteorites?

I think this is because they are boring and want to no wht happens on other planets and it was a mistery so they tried to discover it.

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What piece of evidence convinced scientists that some meteorites could have come from the moon?


Are scientist still studying the Moon?

Yes,scientists are still studying the moon

How do scientists find out how old meteorites are?

If meteorites formed from dust from the early universe, then we would expect them to be very old. Indeed, this is what we find. Scientists have used radiometric dating to measure the ages of meteorites. The results show ages of around 4,500,000,000 years that's seven hundred million years older than the oldest rocks on Earth.