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Our moon makes one rotation on its axis, in the same time it takes to orbit the earth once, so the same side always faces the earth. This is no coincidence, since the moon is said to be 'tidally locked'. The moons mass is biased on one side, meaning that this one side (the now near side) which causes this one side to face Earth. Other large moons in our solar system also experience this tidal locking with their parent planet.

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Q: Why do you see only one side of the moon always?
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Does only one side of the moon face the earth?

Yes only one side of the moon is always facing the earth.

Why you always look at the same side of moon?

the reason you only see one side of the moon is because the rotation of the moon and the revolution speed of the moon are the same

Why does only one side of the moon always faces toward the Earth while the other side always faces away from the Earth?

Because the time periods of the moon's rotation and revolution are exactly equal.

Is this the answer the moon unlike the earth does not rotate so you see the same side of the moon?

That isn't the answer. The reason why only one side of the moon is visible from the surface of the Earth is that the moon always keeps one side facing the Earth, which requires it to rotate once for each revolution of its orbit.

Why do you se only one side of the moon?

The reason you only see one side of the moon is because you only see side of the moon is facing towards the Earth which means the back of the moon is nonvisible.

Is one half of the moon in constant darkness?

Yes, one part of the moon is always facing towards the sun, and the other side is always facing away from the sun. One side is in constant light and one side is in constant darkness.

Why is one side of the moon always lit?

The sun lights it

Why do you always see one side of the moon?

Because It always rotates, It doesn't turn

Why can't you see a lighted moon at one stage in the lunar cycle?

One half of the moon, the side that faces the Sun, is always lighted. But we usually see only part of the lighted side (phases) as the Moon orbits the Earth. When the Moon is directly between the Earth and the Sun (a new moon) none of the lighted side, facing the Sun, is visible from Earth.

Does the earth see only one side of the moon?

No. The amount of the Moon visible from the Earth varies, depending on the phase of the Moon. At Full Moon, you see nearly all of the Moon's illuminated side. At New Moon, you see nearly none of it. At Quarter Moon, you see about half of it.

Why do you have the saying the dark side of the moon?

The moon rotates in unison with the earth, so we only ever see one side of it. So no matter where you are on the globe, you ALWAYS see the same face of the moon. That is the "lit" side of the moon. The "dark side" (in quotes because it actually isn't always dark, we just don't ever see it), is the side that we do not see, because it is always tilted away from us. Having said that, the expression, "dark side of the moon," often refers to a very mysterious object or something unfamiliar that a person hasn't experienced before.

You only see one side of the moon because?

It's tidally locked on the Earth, thus the same face always points inward.