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A solar system forms out of a large cloud of dust; as the cloud starts to rotate as it collapses in on itself, it tends to spin into a disc shape. The center starts coalescing and getting dense enough to turn into a star, and clumps all along the disc coalesce into planets.

The reason why the cloud collapses in on itself, rotates, creates clumps that turn into the star and planets is all because of GRAVITY.

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Q: Why does a planet travel in an orbit around the sun?
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What is is called when you travel around the sun or planet?

When you travel around the Sun or a planet, due to gravitational attraction, it is called an "orbit". It is also a "revolution" around the Sun or planet.

What is earthes orbit?

An orbit is the path a planet takes around the sun. Earth's orbit is an ellipse. It takes the Earth one year to travel along the elliptical path around the sun.

Does the closest planet to the sun have the shortest orbit?

Yes. The closer an object is to the Sun, the shorter the distance it has to travel to get around it.

When will a planet travel fastest in its orbit?

The earth is moving fastest in its orbit at the moment of perihelion, when it is closest to the sun. the happens around January 3.

Does the sun travel around the sun or do planets travel around the sun?

The planets orbit (travel) around the Sun.

What planet does the orbit go around?

none the orbit is around the sun

What does a planet orbit around?

the sun

The orbit of a planet around the sun is a ellipse straight line circle or parabola?

The orbit of a planet around the sun is called an ellipse.

What do you call a path a planet follows as it travels around the sun?

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It takes 29 earth years for this planet to travel around the sun once?

No, actually it takes 365.26 days to orbit around the sun. This is one year.

The pathof a planet around the sun?

The orbit

The speed of a planet in its elliptical orbit around the sun?

The path that planets take around the sun is called it's orbit. The gravitation pull of the sun keeps each planet in it's orbit. Each planets orbit varies in the time it takes to make one trip around the sun.