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well my friend opened a restaraunt on the moon. It had to close because there was no atmosphere

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Q: Why is there very little astomphere the moon?
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Does The lack of an atmosphere has very little effect on the moon.?


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A very, very, little amount.

There is no gravity air and what on the moon?

The Moon does have gravity! It is weak (just 1/6th of the Earth's) so the Moon has very little atmosphere.

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A theory (with very little proof) that the moon landings were fake and were broadcasted from a TV studio.

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No. The MASS of the Moon isn't changing; it's just "shrinking" a VERY little.

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Very little - 0.126g. About a 8th of what there is on Earth

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my tree in your anus

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Very little. Both are made of matter, generally rock.