

Why isn't Jupiter a Planet?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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We only have 8 planets in our solar system, all named after gods. Pandora was not a goddess, but she gave her name to one of Saturn's moons, which is not bad!

how does the first person know we have 8 planets in our solar system , there are 11 planets 3 new one was discovered and the furthest one is called Pandora , 11 planets is great there might be more discovered

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9y ago

Planet x is a planet if x represents one of the eight known planets.


Historically, "Planet X" has often been used for an unknown planet beyond the orbit of Neptune.

When Pluto was discovered, Pluto was thought to be the Planet X, but it's now only classed as a dwarf planet.


It is a little problematic making assertions like this without having done a lot of research to back it up. There are many first world cultures that have legends of a time when the sun rose in the west (such as the American Indians) and that a huge planetary object caused a pole shift. The Sumerians have even more detailed information and both the Kolbrin bible and many of the early religious texts contain references to this. All this suggests it is best to wait and see what the future brings. It would appear that a very large celestial body has affected the earth in the past and thus may do so again. Whether it will happen in 2012 is unknown.


Further research indicates it didn't happen in 2012 . . .

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10y ago

Jupiter is a planet. Anyone who tells you differently is at least fudging the truth.

At one time it was popular to refer to Jupiter a "brown dwarf", but that's not really correct according to the modern definition of the term (and arguably was only correct at the time because there really wasn't a definition for it). Jupiter is not massive enough to sustain fusion, not even deuterium fusion; it would need to be more than 10 times more massive than it is for that to happen (about 13 Jovian masses is considered the low end of mass for a brown dwarf).

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