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Planets don't really choose to keep a certain distance from eachother, its just how gravity pulls them. For example the Asteriod Belt is kept in its place because the Jupiter's and the sun's influence of their gravitational pull. Planets don't really choose to keep a certain distance from eachother, its just how gravity pulls them. For example the Asteriod Belt is kept in its place because the Jupiter's and the sun's influence of their gravitational pull.

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Q: Why should planets keep a distance from each other?
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What keeps the planets the same distance from each other?

Actually, the planets aren't all the same distance away.

Why does each planet have different facts?

planets have diffrent facts of other planets because of there size and distance from sun

What is the distance from the planets?

the distance from the planets is 6.5 million miles between each planet.

What is the distance between Venus and the other planets in the Solar System?

well they are millions of miles away from each other

Do planets collide when the distance of the planets from the sun change?

The distance of the planets from the sun does not change because of the gravity surrounding each planet is pulling them into continuous orbit.

Which two neighboring planets have the greatest distance between them?

The two neighboring planets with the greatest distance between them is Neptune and Uranus. This happens when they are at the opposite sides of the Sun at approximately. They are 4500 million miles away from each other.

What will happen if all the planets are same distance from the sun?

They would have banged into each other, split up, gone off in different directions and regrouped into planets with different orbits.

How apart are each planet from each other?

It's better to ask how far are the planets from the sun since they all move around it at a realively constant distance, but their distances to each other are constantly changing and can vary widely.

Why are the planets in spaced out?

because of the gravitational pull of the other planets that are in line with each other

Is each planet an equal distance from one another?

sorta there are inner and outer planets the inner planets are alike and outer planets are alike to but inner and outer planets are different.

Why don't planets bump into each other?

because the gravatational pull from the sun and other planets keep the planets going in a circler motion and not bumping into each other.Answerbecause the gravatational pull from the sun and other planets keep the planets going in a circler motion and not bumping into each other. the planets each have defined Elliptical, not circular, orbits that remain constant because of gravitational pull of the sun and from each other. Pluto does have such an elliptical orbit that for a time it was closer than Neptune, but they will never collide with their current paths.

How close are the planets to each other?

Each planet is several million miles from its next neighbor at their closest. The two closest planets Mercury and Venus are about thirty million miles apart, the furthest planets Pluto and Uranus are a billion miles apart