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because Jupiter is just hot gas meaning that you would be killed before you even get there and also because of the red spot the red spot on Jupiter is just the biggest storm in the solar system meaning you would be sucked into it.

by Cyril ;b

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Q: Why would it be hard to live on Jupiter?
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Can people live in Jupiter?

no people cant live in jupiter because the wind is to hard and fast.

How would you live in Jupiter?

you cannot live in jupiter as it has no oxygen and water.

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What are three reasons it would be hard to live on Jupiter?

1)There are constant hurricanes and tornadoes 2)No oxygen 3)No food

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Nothing that we would recognize as a living thing could live on Jupiter.

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Saying that you could not possibly live on Jupiter i don't know

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there is no future on Jupiter because of all of the gas in the air and then is only a very very low amount of oxygen and its not possible. to live there but yes you can land on Jupiter. it would be hard, because of the pressure. but anything is possible. ANYTHING

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nobody the surface of Jupiter can get five times hotter than the sun so it would be too hot for man t live on Jupiter

What would it take to live on Jupiter?

air air

What are the cool things on Jupiter?

Jupiter is a very fascinating planet. Jupiter actually has no hard core like Earth does and therefore nobody can live on it. Since Jupiter has massive, strong gravity it would pull you down all the way inside and you will eventually die because of the massive amounts of pressure. Hope I helped:)

How long would a person live on Jupiter?

you cant live on jupider dummy!