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The Earth is gradually slowing down - and will continue to do so throughout time. The length of a 'day' will progressively get longer.

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Q: Will the earth always spin in this speed?
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Will earth always spin at this speed if no how will it change?

No. Tidal interactions with the moon are gradually slowing the rate of Earth's spin

Will the earth always spin at this speed if not how will it change?

The Earth's rotational speed is gradually slowing. There are a number of instances where time calculations have meant that we periodically add a 'leap second' to bring the actual time back into sync with the Earth's rotation.

At what speed does the earth spin at mph?

1,040 mph

Will the earth spin quicker in 100 years?

It is not likely that the Earth will spin quicker, as it has been rotating at nearly the same speed for at least 2,000 years.

Does earth always spin in the same direction?

Yes it does no matter what.

How fats does the earth spin?

Once every 23h56m. So divide that into the Earth's equatorial circumferencw (look it up) and you have the fastest spinning speed. North and South of the equator the speed is slower, so that at the exact poles there is no spin at all.

Does the north and south poles spin at the same speed as the rest of the world?

yes because they are in the earth

Why do you not see the far side of the moon?

cuz +he moon spin and orbi+ happen at +he same speed. Tidal forces between earth and the moon have slowed the moon's rotation in a manner that causes the same side of the moon to always be facing earth.

How quick does the earth spin?

Average Orbitel Speed 29.783 km/s 107,218 km/h

Does the moon spin around?

Yes it does but at the same rate that the Earth spins. Therefore we on Earth always see the same face of it.

What would not exist if the Earth did not spin?

I think maybe there would be one or no seasons and/or on one part of the earth it would always be evening and at another it would always be morning.

Does the earth always spin around?

Yes, 24/7, 'round the clock. It never stops.