

Will the sun ever shrink

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Yes, the Sun will eventually shrink. It is estimated to shrink in about 5 billion years from now so we would have moved on or evolved by that time anyway.

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Q: Will the sun ever shrink
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because the sun's rays hit it

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as far as i know you cannot but after billions of years a star including our sun will expand then shrink and die

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no. the sun will tighten the shrink wrap and make it impossible to get into the car unless using a razor to cut the wrap off

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it will rather shrink to a wight dwarf or enplode

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No has ever gone to the sun because it is to hot

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Contract is another work for shrink, or pull together.

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No one has ever or will ever land on the Sun, it's too hot.

How many years it's going to pass so the sun explode?

Our Sun is not massive enough to explode, ever. It will swell up briefly to become much larger in about 5 billion years, but after a relatively short time it will shrink dramatically to become a white dwarf... about the same size as the Earth, but much more dense.

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When the sun runs out of fuel it is expected to turn into a red supergiant engulfing earth. Then it is supposed to shrink into a white dwarf.

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Fresh grapes contain a very large amount of water. Exposure to the sun dries the grapes; the water evaporates out of them. This is the process of making raisins.

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Jump on top of them and run which ever way you want to control where they go.