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Q: How many players in tlachtli?
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What is tlachtli?

Tlachtli is a native American game where players try to hit a rubber ball into a ring put 27 feet into the air using their upper arms, thighs, and hips. Hope that helps, I did a project on it and i got my class into playing it...your welcome

How do you spell tlachtli?

The correct spelling is "tlachtli". It is a Mesoamerican ball game played by indigenous peoples in ancient civilizations like the Aztecs.

What was the penalty for losing the game tlachtli?

The game of Tlachtli is played by using a rubber ball and throwing it in the hoop without using your hands. The players of this game are usually prisoners of wars. the first team to get the ball in the hoop wins, on the other hand the losing team will get their heads chopped off.

Who played tlachtli sport?

I did

What is the tlachtli ball made?

it made out of rubber

What is Aztecs kings name?

tlachtli or ollamaliztli

If it wasent for tlachtli would basketball be around?

yes it would

What do Aztec's do for fun?

For fun the Aztecs played games.One game was called Tlachtli. tlachtli was a ball game that the Aztecs played for there ruler. tlachtli used a hard rubber ball six inches in diameter.the players wore padding. they couldn't touch the ball with their hands. they could only touch the ball with their hips, knees, legs, and elbows.they also played board games. a popular one was calledpatolli which was a game similar to parcheesi and backgammon.they used beans with painted dots on them for dice.

What was the important game of the Aztecs?

The game was called 'tlachtli'. They believed this to be a game that the gods would play. The Aztecs thought that sky was the court of the gods and the sun was the ball. The preists would watch the games of 'tlachtli' to predict the future. This game held an immense amount of religeous importance. Points were scored on the movements players would preform with the ball, the number of times eitherteam got it throughthe hoop, and possezsion of the ball. The players were rewarded with fame, prizes, and the spectator's capes. Source(s): The Aztec News Phillip Steele Candlewick Press Massachusatts

Did the Aztecs play games with rubber balls?

Yes, the game Tlachtli was played with a rubber ball.

How do you pronounce tlachtli?

The world Tlilxochitl is pronounced "tea-so-shill".

What was tlachtli in Aztec times?

Im from the past and I know everything. Tlachti....wait is that how you spell it? Never mind. goodbye.