No meaning for the name Shequan has been found. The name closest to it which is Shaquan, means "truth in life". The name originates from Africa.
max (the name) means: cool max (the name) means: peaceful max (the name) means: awesome max (the name) means: the best max (the name) means: the ruler of all max (the name) means: good at school max (the name) means: should not be beaten up by people
The name Amy means Beloved .
'sur' means 'last' 'name' means 'name' so it means 'last name'
No name means ugly!
The name Aurora means dawn.
The name that means angel is the name Agnola.
The name "Jaziba" is a female name. It means "attractive"
The name Hayaam means love.
The name Katie means pure.
The name Niall means "Champion".
The name Scott means follower
it is a Latin name which means guidance