

Who is Sasuke?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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sasuke is a 15 year old boy who seeks to kill his brother itachi he is also one of the top genin ninja in the leaf village. but sometimes naruto would get jealous of sasuke because he thinks sasuke is trying to show off. but recently sasuke has abandon the leaf village for more power so he decided to work for orchimaru naruto tried to fight sasuke but sasukes curse mark evolved making him more stronger

AnswerSasuke Uchiha, is a fictional character in the manga and anime series of Naruto, and arguably the most popular of all of the ninjas according to one of the most recent polls, especially once he achieves level 2 curse seal and complete his training with Orochimaru in part 2.

He is part of team 7 in the village hidden in the leaves, in the land of fire. His partners are Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki, both of whom either love or hate him at times. Sakura has a huge crush on him, and his rivalry with naruto (concerning sakura and ninja skills) causes much friction between the last of the uchiha and the son of the 4th hokage, Minato Kamikaze. His and their teacher/sensei is Kakashi Hatake, arguably the best choice for the 6th hokage, though anything can be argued, after tsunade herself, for she is the current 5th hokage. Kakashi has taken a particular shine to sasuke, as sasuke reminds him of himself, and the fact that kakashi's best friend was a uchiha, who, while dying, gave his sharingan eye to kakashi as a farewell gift, one that Kakashi Hatake could never forget. Thanks to obito uchiha's gift, Kakashi Hatake has since copied over 1000 jutsu, making him a most formiddable oppponet for even the akatsuki or any sannin, only one of which are his enemies, and that sannin is Lord Orochimaru, the leader of his own sound village.

Sasuke is later revealed as a budding homosexual as his feelings for his rival Naruto are revealed and even returned. This has not yet ended in a happily ever after as Sasuke was driven by hate to avenge his family as described below. When he attempts to leave his home to "pall around with terrorists" Sasuke is intercepted by Naruto who admits that Sasuke is his closest friend and that he completes his existence. Naruto then vows to maim Sasuke to the point of temporary immobility so that he could drag Sasuke home. Sasuke becomes determinded to kill Naruto despite overwhealming love for his friend and the fight ensues. At the end, Naruto proves their equality while Sasuke knocks his friend unconsious, something Naruto had actually chosen not to do. Sasuke has the chance to kill his friend but instead he leaves without doing so. Naruto lives to beat the s hit out of Sasuke again and drag the idiot home.

Sasuke, as a boy, came back one night, and all of his family were killed! He found somone in the dark looming over his parents dead bodies, and it was his older brother, Itachi! Itachi said that he killed them to prove that he could, which he effortlessly did, leaving sasuke to hate him so much as to kill him, and avenge his clan's demise, which is still on ongoing process.

As a uchiha, he has the ability to copy any ninja move that he sees, and he only has to see it once, and this ability is called the sharingan. He is exceptionally gifted as a ninja, but when he gets a little too deep in the battle, and starts to stuggle, he uses his sharingan to copy his enemy/opponent's moves, and he usually gets through ok, and when this isn't enough he uses his cursed seal abilities (later on), and even later on, he uses his chidori, and then after that, he combines his chidori with his cursed seal level 1 and 2 abilites, with the level 1 being with gaara and the level 2 being with one tailed naruto.

Kakashi took sasuke under his wing for all of his special tournament training for the chunin exams, and sasuke grew exceptionally strong thanks to kakashi's school of hard knocks. Kakashi's own move, that was passed down from his father, Sakumo, was passed down to his adopted son, sasuke. This move, called chidori, which means 1000 birds because of its loud chirping sound, is called a jab, for it is a assassin move, that requires insane fitness and speed, but can, allegedly, cut through lightning itself.

Kakashi is mentioned way to much in this description but is one of sasuke's "senseis", as the are two other people that end up teaching him invaluable lessons. Orochimaru fought with him in the 2nd phase of the chunin exams, and during this fight, orochi, one of the legendary 3 sannin, sunk his teeth into sasuke neck, giving him the power of the cursed seal mark. It looks like three 6's that are fixed like a circle, and when someone with this seal, such as sasuke, in a truly life threatening situation where he might really die, it activates, and he gets insanely ferocious power that is quite demonic, which makes sense, as orochimaru is a devil himself, changing bodies to avoid dying in one. Orochimaru was looking for the last of the uchiha, as he had already tried to swap bodies with itachi, his bro, but itachi messed up his arm, and he now wants itachi's little bro, sasuke, and the cursed seal mark is part of the preparation of sasuke body, as orochimaru wants sasuke to have the best abilities he can, so orochi won't be weaker if he swaps. In the English dub, he has already sent his elite goons, the sound 4, to get sasuke and sasuke has entered a special coffin so that his curse seal mark can level up to 2, the same level that all of the sound 4 guys are, level 2.

Once he comes out of the coffin, level 2 curse seal, he fights naruto, just to show that he can beat him finally (as he felt bad about naruto defeating gaara instead of him, and plus naruto saved sakura, which he wasn't able to do), which he does, though he has to go level 2 chidori to beat the one tailed naruto's rasengan.

From then, I believe, (for I have not seen the anime yet) he heads back to orochi's lair to be trained to handle the level 2 form better, and after absorbing all of orochi's knowledge and skillls, he kills orochi when orochi tries to body swap with sasuke. Kabuto, orochi's right hand man absorbs orochi's remains, which gives kabuto yakushi problems as it tries to control him like a demon does with possession.

Then, he assembles a four man group to hunt down itachi uchiha, and finally avenge his family's untimely death. He calls this group team snake for it was formed in the village of the sound, orochimaru the "kingsnake"'s own village, and all of the members have strong connection's to the late Lord Orochimaru. He picks each member for their abilities are necessary to bring down itachi, who has mastered the secret uchiha art of mangekyo sharingan, and its two foremost secrets, the ultmate genjutsu, tsukiyomi (a name which also is the name of the Shinto god of the moon) and amaraterasu, a move that unleashes black sun fire (for the name is the name of the god of the sun), that jaraiya, a sannin, had to seal with a special seal, in order to extinguish it.

Team snake is Sasuke Uchiha, Karin, Suigetsu, and Jugo. Sasuke at this point can summon snakes of all kinds, and even orochimaru's best one, Manda, as well as well as the fact that sasuke is able to spread his chidori over his body to act as a sort of electric fence for anyone too close. Oh yeah, he now has wings too, and he tends to dress with an open shirt, long black hair, and a purple rope sash, like all of those associated with orcochi.

Karin is a poweful bipolar girl with matching hair that was in charge of one of orochi's bases, and she served also as a prison warden for orochi's test subjects. She has a very unhealthy fixation on sasuke, keeping sweaty clothes that sasuke once wore to smell them and whatever else, with the intent to express herself to him one day, when they get alone. Her ninja abilities include the ability to detect specific chakra's out of thousands of people, which she uses to find Jugo, the source of the cursed seal enzyme experiments, as he is unsable and is known to transform at will, which was why he came to orochi, to get help and stability. She can also heal people by having them injest her blood. As a result, her body is covered in bite marks.

Suigestsu, a cocky pseudo swordsmen that kisame hoshigaki (part of the akatsuki) recognizes, as suigestsu has sharklike looks and has the same manner of attacking as kisame himself. Kisame uses water clones to evade attacks, but suigestsu can literally convert his body to water, and then reform it into flesh at a moment's notice. Therefore, suigestsu is like kisame's little brother or his "mini me", if you catch the Myers reference.

Another user says:

You are very stupid. The only reason I say this is because Sasuke is not homsexual. This is the most ridiculous assumption of Sasuke's character i have ever heard. Also Sasuke is not 15 because Naruto is only 12. Sasuke is also 12. This is confirmed because i have something that you can call a "ninja info card." It even says that he is 12. Also, Sasuke is not Kakashi's adopted son, he is just his student. Also, Sasuke is just really good friends with Naruto before that start to fight.


a uchia

one who has sharingan

carrys a sword

beats naruto the first time they fight

kills his brother

defeats the 8 tailed jinchuriki

cares for naruto?

Saskue is one of Fugaku Uchiha's sons

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Sakura still has strong feelings for Sasuke,but she is dissapointed that Sasuke left the village later in Shippuden. Sakura still defends Sasuke though if people belittle him. Sakura liked Sasuke in Naruto,and she starts thinking clear on her newest goal: to save Sasuke in Shippuden. Sakura still has strong feelings for Sasuke,but she is dissapointed that Sasuke left the village later in Shippuden. Sakura still defends Sasuke though if people belittle him. Sakura liked Sasuke in Naruto,and she starts thinking clear on her newest goal: to save Sasuke in Shippuden. Sakura still has strong feelings for Sasuke,but she is dissapointed that Sasuke left the village later in Shippuden. Sakura still defends Sasuke though if people belittle him. Sakura liked Sasuke in Naruto,and she starts thinking clear on her newest goal: to save Sasuke in Shippuden. Sakura still has strong feelings for Sasuke,but she is dissapointed that Sasuke left the village later in Shippuden. Sakura still defends Sasuke though if people belittle him. Sakura liked Sasuke in Naruto,and she starts thinking clear on her newest goal: to save Sasuke in Shippuden. Sakura still has strong feelings for Sasuke,but she is dissapointed that Sasuke left the village later in Shippuden. Sakura still defends Sasuke though if people belittle him. Sakura liked Sasuke in Naruto,and she starts thinking clear on her newest goal: to save Sasuke in Shippuden. Sakura still has strong feelings for Sasuke,but she is dissapointed that Sasuke left the village later in Shippuden. Sakura still defends Sasuke though if people belittle him. Sakura liked Sasuke in Naruto,and she starts thinking clear on her newest goal: to save Sasuke in Shippuden. Sakura still has strong feelings for Sasuke,but she is dissapointed that Sasuke left the village later in Shippuden. Sakura still defends Sasuke though if people belittle him. Sakura liked Sasuke in Naruto,and she starts thinking clear on her newest goal: to save Sasuke in Shippuden.

What Sasuke full name?

Uchiha Sasuke.

What does Sasuke stand for in naruto?

The name Sasuke is taken from the real world ninja Sasuke Sarutobi

Now that Sasuke is with orochimaru do sakura still like Sasuke?

yup sasuke marries sakura (sasuke kills orochimaru) and naruto marries hinata

Where did Sasuke get his name?

No. Sasuke is NOT a real name. He only exisits in the "Naruto" shows. You can dress like him but no.ANSWER: yes it is. it means "with assistance" or something like that...i personaly like this name :]

Does Orachimaro Like Sasuke?

He didnt like Sasuke. He wanted a strong vessel like sasuke so he can take over sasuke's body to become strong.

What is Sasuke's middle name?

Sasuke's full name is Uchiha Sasuke, he does not have a middle name.

Will Sasuke defeat orochimaru?

No sasuke will not defeat orouchimaru naruto will sasuke is on orouchimaru's side he isn't against him

can itachi anbu kill sasuke base?

Itachi let Sasuke kill him or he could have killed sasuke