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Q: What does pastor mean in English?
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What does pastor mean in Spanish?

it means either pastor like in English as the church leader, or it can be a shepherd

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"¿Cómo se llama tu pastor?" translates to "What is your pastor's name?" in English.

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The King of the little goat *shepherd Then that's Pastor ;)

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pastor mean (paadri) in urdu.

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What is the word 'pastor' when translated from English to Japanese?

牧師 【ぼくし】 bokushi translates to "pastor" or "clergyman."

Were do i find an aryan pastor for marriage in the north west?

Do you mean a white pastor? There are lots of them...

What does it mean when a pastor touches you and you fall out in the pentecostal church the pastor touches you and you faint?

Well the pastor is not the one that touches you it is the holy spirit.

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Can a pastor tell his minister that he can not preach?

Who is "he"? If you mean "the minister is forbidden" then depending on the church, probably not. If you mean "the pastor is forbidden" then probably yes. If, by "can not" you mean "useless", then yes, anyone can do that.

What is the English meaning of the German word 'Geistliche'?

Pastor, priest, clergyman.

What does it mean to be ordained as a nondenominational pastor?
