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Some outstandingly bad leaders of the past include Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Josheph Stalin, Mao Tse Dong, Pol Pot, and Saddam Hussein. At present the worst leader still in power is Kim Jong Il of North Korea.

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Q: Who are some bad leaders of the past and present?
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The past tense of "bad" is "bad" and the past participle is "bad."

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Present participles are verbs that act as adjectives or adverbs and end in -ing. Therefore, the present participle of swear is swearing (i.e. The swearing man was fired from his job, as he was a bad influence on his coworkers).The past participle is easy- it's the past tense form of any verb. So the past participle of swear is swore (i.e. She swore so incessantly that her parents became concerned).

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