Andrews liver salt is nt gud for pregnant wemen becux is its use in removin unwanted pregnancy so it not suitable for pregnant women.
The PH of Andrews liver salts is about 5.5 approx. The PH of Baking Soda is about 8 or 9.
Any acid in Andrews liver salts.
It is not
It is extremely dangerous to have pregnancy when you have got cirrhosis of liver. It will be lethal.
I was wondering the same thing, and found this on Glaxo website: QUOTE: Caution should be exercised when recommending to pregnant (particularly during the first trimester) or lactating women.
Laverne Andrews died on May 8, 1967, in Brentwood, California, USA of liver cancer.
You think probable to carbon dioxide.
HELLP syndrome is a condition during pregnancy that includes elevated liver enzymes.
Andrews liver salts contain MgSO4.2H2O, NaHCO3, citric acid and sucrose. This drug is used as laxative or antacid.
It is not recommended because these salts contain up to 40 % sucrose.
Adsa, and almost all other food stores, who have Pharmacy instore