He was quite fond of it as long is it reflected one's species-being. That is to say, as long as our machinery and technology reflected our essential labors, our genuine wish to innovate, and so on, it was perfectly acceptable.
Marx was also fond of the idea of conquering nature, shaping it, and having it be a reflection of humanity. Marx was fascinated with the idea of a river becoming polluted by a factory, reflecting in the natural world the work of the laborer.
Karl Marx was the creator of Conflict Theory, which is a sociological theory that emphasizes the role of the economy as the basis of society. It argues that workers and the people who own the 'means of production' will always be at odds until the workers rise up and assert their dominance. Many people disagree with the theory, but it is useful in explaining a variety of societal issues.
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Karl Marx proposed the theory of communism.
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
karl marx
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Karl Marx