Charles Fredrick Ingalls 'Freddie' started losing weight at nine months.
Despite the Doctor being called, he couldn't do anything about it and Freddie died. Apparently allot of baby's had the same in those times and nobody knew how to cure it. I don't know what the disease was called though.
Added later by another member:
Charles F. Ingalls Jr. died just 3 days short of his 10th month aniversary. Since there seems to be no recorded symptoms of his illness there could be any number of causes for death, some of which are not common today. Babies still pass away from viruses in modern times although it is not usual now; and there is "failure to thrive"...since diet was more limited in those days it may have been related to a nutritonal deficit or some intestional problem. It's sad, but very likely the doctor had no idea what was wrong...
Charles Frederick Ingalls, the father of author Laura Ingalls Wilder, died of heart failure in De Smet, South Dakota in 1902 at the age of 66. He had been suffering from heart problems for some time before his passing.
Yes he did. Charles Frederick Ingalls Jr., better known as Freddie, was the fourth child and only son of Charles and Caroline Ingalls and was born November 1, 1875 in Walnut Grove, Minnesota. When he was nine months old, the baby began to lose weight, and despite a doctor being called, Baby Freddie died on August 27, 1876.
He supposedly died at the age of 9 months from a blood disorder not otherwise specified. It was noted that he was sickly from birth and then one day around the age of 9 months his body straightened out and he died. It is interesting to note that Laura's second child, also a boy, died described in the same manner of his body straightening out at just a few days old.
Laura Ingalls Wilder had two sisters: Mary Amelia Ingalls and Carrie Ingalls. She also had three brothers: Charles Frederick Ingalls, Albert "Almanzo" James Wilder, and James Frederick Ingalls.
Charles Frederick Ingalls Jr. died at a young age from an illness known as infant fever or baby fever, which was common at that time but is not a recognized medical condition today.
Charles Ingalls died on June 8, 1902.
June 8, 1902 Charles Ingalls passed away
Laura Ingalls Wilder had four siblings: Mary Amelia Ingalls, Caroline Celestia Ingalls ("Carrie"), Charles Frederick Ingalls ("Charlie"), and Grace Pearl Ingalls.
Albert Quinn Ingalls is played by Matthew Laborteaux .
Charles Ingalls died of heart disease in 1902.
Charles Frederick Wright died in 1925.
Charles Frederick Scott died in 1938.
Frederick Charles Plumptre died in 1870.
Frederick Charles Husenbeth died in 1872.
Frederick Charles Merry died in 1900.