Americans today would likely have a mixed reaction to Edwards and Whitfield's sermons. Some may appreciate the powerful and emotional delivery, while others may find the harsh and fear-based messages off-putting. Overall, modern audiences may have a more critical perspective due to changing cultural and societal values.
Generally, Americans have mix feelings towards lager numbers of immigrates. How Americans react to an increase in immigration is generally negative.
They were very sad because Duncan Edwards was one of the best footballer in the world and was a member of man utd
Most Americans were stunned
Most Americans were stunned
People did not react at all because they did not know about the stroke.
They stood in opposition.
Drugs and Booze
Americans were very angry and screamed due hungry and jobless.
They greeted him as if he had power
They said they were not Japanese no more and that they were Americans now.
most Japanese Americans were treated badly by Americans there were mass movements of them to camps to prevent espionage