"The Pizza the Size of the Sun" is a collection of humorous and imaginative poems for children by Shel Silverstein. The book features humorous and fantastical poems that will delight young readers and adults alike with its quirky humor and delightful illustrations. It is a playful and creative exploration of the human experience through the lens of a child's perspective.
The cast of A Pizza the Size of the Sun - 2013 includes: Dora Palmer
Jack Prelutsky
I'm making a pizza the size of the sun, a pizza that's sure to weigh more than a ton, a pizza too massive to pick up and toss, a pizza resplendent with oceans of sauce. I'm topping my pizza with mountains of cheese, with acres of peppers, pimentos, and peas, with mushrooms, tomatoes, and sausage galore, with every last olive they had at the store. My pizza is sure to be one of a kind, my pizza will leave other pizzas behind, my pizza will be a delectable treat that all who love pizza are welcome to eat. The oven is hot, I believe it will take a year and a half for my pizza to bake. I can hardly wait till my pizza is done, my wonderful pizza the size of the sun.
A sandwhich with sun chips because a pizza has grease on it.
If you leave pizza in the sun it will go hard put it in the frige
No, but pizza taste good
the sun is smaller in size y'all.
About 1 million earths would fit in the sun if the sun were hollow. If Earth was the size of a basketball, the sun would be as big as a basketball court.
They appear to be the same size, as the sun is a very long distance away. The sun is many times larger than the moon.
Betelgeuse is ENORMOUS as compared to the Sun's size. Its diameter may be 1000 TIMES larger than our sun.
Since the Sun is much bigger than all the planets, the biggest planet is closest in size to the Sun.
Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and is closest in size to the Sun.