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Yes, both Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe were active during the Elizabethan era. They were important playwrights who contributed to the flourishing of English drama during this period. Kyd is best known for "The Spanish Tragedy," while Marlowe is celebrated for works such as "Doctor Faustus" and "Tamburlaine."

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Q: Were Playwrights Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe active during the Elizabethan era?
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Apart from Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Middleton, John Webster, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Thomas Dekker, and Thomas Heywood were the most famous.

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Robert Greene and Thomas Kyd were both born in 1558. Christopher Marlowe was born in 1564.

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Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593), and Thomas Kyd (1558-1594) and Robert Greene (1558-1592) were the most famous playwrights who worked exclusively in the reign of Elizabeth. Other famous playwrights began their careers in Elizabeth's reign but concluded in that of James I including Ben Jonson (1572-1637), and Thomas Dekker (1572-1632).

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Apart from Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Thomas Kyd, John Webster, Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Thomas Middleton, Thomas Dekker and John Heywood were famous playwrights.

Who else was famous for writing plays in Elizabethan times?

After Shakespeare, the playwrights of the Elizabethan theatre who are best known now are Christopher Marlowe and Ben Jonson. Thomas Kyd was a famous playwright then and is well-known now. Others include Philip Massinger, Thomas Middleton, George Peele, Thomas Dekker, Cyril Tourneur, Robert Greene, Thomas Nashe, John Webster, John Fletcher, and Francis Beaumont. Wikipedia lists 88 known Elizabethan dramatists all told, but many of these wrote plays which are now lost, or plays which were never performed and in some cases were never intended to be performed.

Other playrights famous at the time of shakespeare?

The Elizabethan and Jacobean ages featured a flowering of dramatists. They needed a constant supply of new plays for the various acting companies, so there was plenty of work to go around. Some of the other famous playwrights of the time were George Peele, Robert Greene, Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Kyd, Thomas Dekker, Thomas Middleton, Thomas Heywood, Ben Jonson, John Fletcher, Francis Beaumont, John Webster, Cyril Tourneur, and Philip Massinger. That's just some of them.

Name three English paywrihts of the renaissance who wrote in verce poetry form?

Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and Thomas Kyd were three English playwrights of the Renaissance who wrote in verse poetry form.

What are three other important writers or artists of the Elizabethan age?

Three other important writers or artists of the Elizabethan Age are Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spenser, and Thomas Campion. Marlowe was a renowned playwright and poet known for works like "Doctor Faustus." Spenser was a poet who wrote the epic poem "The Faerie Queene." Campion was a poet, musician, and composer known for his songs and masques.

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Shakespeare wasn't a famous atheist; being an atheist was illegal in Elizabethan England, so atheists kept very quiet. Shakespeare's fellow dramatists Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe were tortured for being atheists; Shakespeare was not.

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During the early part of Shakespeare's career, Robert Greene, George Peele, Thomas Kyd and Christopher Marlowe were popular. Later playwrights contemporary with Shakespeare were Thomas Heywood, Thomas Middleton, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Cyril Tourneur, Philip Massinger, Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher, and John Webster. Those are the most important ones, but there were more.