

Best Answer
  1. Doctor Van Heilsing
  2. Blade
  3. Buffy
  4. Bloodrayne
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11mo ago

Some famous vampire slayers include Buffy Summers, Blade, and Van Helsing.

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What are the names of three vampire slayers?

# Doctor Van Helseig - got Count Dracula # Blade # Buffy

What is Buffy the vampire slayers hangout?

The Bronze

What is the vampire slayers oath?

To slay or be slayed

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Buffy and Faith

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Buffy the vampire slayers lair stake

What killed Buffys the vampire slayers mum?

A brain aneurysm.

What is Buffy the Vampire Slayers theme song?

in the series it was "The theme from Buffy the Vampire Slayer" by Nerf Herder.

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Who is Buffy the vampire slayers' mother?

Joyce Summers, played by Kristine Sutherland.

What happens In Buffy the vampire slayers last episode?

i think if i can recall she dies.