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Read Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" and you will begin to see his political views. Also, Charles, as a boy, his father was sent to debtors prison, while Charles had a low paying job of gluing labels on shoe polish. This inspired Charles to write the book that kept him from debt and going back to prison. He believed that people should be generous and help those in need.

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4mo ago

Charles Dickens had a sympathetic attitude towards the poor. His works often depicted the struggles and hardships faced by the lower classes in Victorian England, shedding light on their plight and advocating for social change. Dickens believed in the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their social status.

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14y ago

Charles Dickens had a very poor upbringing because his family were in debt and he had a poorly paid job. He wrote the book: A Christmas Carol, to help himself out of debt. This is why he was concerned for the poor, because he had had a first hand experience of being poor.

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12y ago

Dickens worked as an editor for 'Household Works' from 1850-1859 and often wrote articles about the education of the poor and the workhouse system. He also raised money for those less fortunate by giving public readings, activities and theatrical performances. He donated the money raised to a number of different organisations that aimed to improve the quality of care given to those living in poverty.

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8y ago

It was incredibly hard. There was little work in Britain, mass unemployment and no government support to help those people homeless and starving

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6y ago

he empathised

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