The parallel between George and Lennie's dream of owning a farm and Candy's lost opportunity to do the same reveals George's motive to provide stability and a sense of purpose for himself and Lennie. George sees the farm as a chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and labor that they are stuck in, giving them a sense of hope for a better future together.
One possible motive for George to kill Sam Westing could be to inherit his wealth and gain control of the Westing estate. Additionally, George may have felt wronged by Westing in some way and sought revenge through his murder.
A by-motive is a hidden motive.
An ulterior motive is a motive that they have beyond the main motive. They often do not show that they have this motive and it is often not good. The ulterior motive is almost always has it for their own good only.
The police are trying to find the motive of the murder.Money is my main motive.
Georges Bossair's birth name is Georges Boseret.
A motive is a smaller part of the larger theme! :)
1 - Transaction motive 2 - Precautionary motive 3 - Speculative motive
my motive in school is to get good grades
my motive in school is to get good grades
a motive is something a criminal has
Georges SEURAT has written: 'Georges Seurat'