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Anne's original diary is now in a bank vault in Switzerland, and is owned by the Anne Frank Foundation. The red-and-white checked diary at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam is a facsimile, which is freely admitted by the Anne Frank House.

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11y ago
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10mo ago

Anne Frank's diary was hidden by a family friend after the Frank family was discovered and arrested by the Nazis during World War II. The diary was later published and became a literary classic, providing a firsthand account of the Holocaust from a young girl's perspective.

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10y ago

Miep Gies, a family helper, found it in the Annex after the Frank family was arrested and gave it to Otto Frank (father of Anne and only Survivor of the people in hiding)
For privacy, Anne kept all her writings in an old leather briefcase her father had given her. When those in the annex were arrested, the arresting officer looked around for something to put their money and valuables in. Seeing the briefcase, he dumped it upside down to empty it, and Anne's diary and all her other writings fell to the floor, where Miep Gies found them later, and stored them in her desk drawer. She gave them to Otto when he returned from the war.

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10y ago

Anne Frank's diaries are kept on display in the Anne Frank House museum. She started out writing in a red plaid diary, moved on to writing in two exercise books (similar to modern day notebooks) and various pieces of paper.

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15y ago

The original is in the Netherlands War Documentation Centre.

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