D. C. De Jarnette has written:
'The Monroe doctrine' -- subject(s): History, Monroe doctrine, Peace, Politics and Government, United States Civil War, 1861-1865
I. C. De Vane has written: 'Doctor Carrington'
C. De Hoghton has written: '...and now the future'
C. C. Beerepoot has written: 'De Zorgverzekeringswet en de Wet op de zorgtoeslag'
A. C. de Gooijer has written: 'Voor verbetering vatbaar'
David C. De Boe has written: 'Sponsors' Handbook'
William C. De Mille has written: 'Hollywood saga'
C. de Cardonne has written: 'L' empereur Alexandre II'
L. De C.-Bucher has written: 'The teaching of art'
C. Leeflang has written: 'Stichting De Roos'
R. R. C. De Crespigny has written: 'China'
Marie C. De Luca has written: 'The valley of golden dreams'
C. Casas de Puig has written: 'Notulae bryologicae (I-III)'