Dale L. Berge has written:
'Simpson Springs Station' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Excavations (Archaeology)
'Archaeology At Boyhood Home Of Joseph Smith'
Dale L. Schmaljohn has written: 'Smokejumper'
Dale L. Johnson has written: 'Service Needs of the Seriously Mentally Ill'
Dale L. Lange has written: 'Foreign language education' -- subject(s): Modern Languages, Study and teaching
Dale L Bartos has written: 'Aspen succession in the Intermountain West' -- subject(s): Simulation methods, Aspen
Dale L. Morgan has written: 'Dale Morgan on the Mormons' -- subject(s): Mormon Church, Bibliographies, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, History
Bruce L. MacDonald has written: 'The MacDonald-Hall ancestry of Heather Dale MacDonald'
Dale L. Schreiber has written: 'Hattie Mae Smith's dolls' -- subject(s): Social life and customs, Tall tales, Urban folklore
Dale L. Stansbury has written: 'Report to Rural Development Division, USAID/Peru on agricultural credit situation and delinquency level in Peru, 1966, August 1967'
Jerry Dale Larson has written: 'The effects of temperature, photoperiod and growth regulators on development of Ajuga reptans L' -- subject(s): Growth (Plants)
Dale L Nolte has written: 'Materials and supplies for management of wildlife damage to trees' -- subject(s): Trees, Control, Forest protection, Wildlife management, Wounds and injuries, Prevention, Diseases and pests
Dale L. McElrath has written: 'Emergent Mississippian and Mississippian Communities at the Radic Site, Part 1' 'The George Reeves site (11-S-650)' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Excavations (Archaeology), Indians of North America
L. Hood has written: 'What, when, and how about why'