Helmut Gernsheim has written:
'Beautiful London' -- subject(s): Pictorial works
'Incunabula of British photographic literature' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Photography
'L. J. M. Daguerre (1787-1851), the world's first photographer'
'The rise of photography, 1850-1880' -- subject(s): Collodion process, History, Photography
'Focus on architecture and sculpture'
'Masterpieces of Victorian photography, 1840-1900, from the Gernsheim collection' -- subject(s): Artistic Photography, Biography, Catalogs, Exhibitions, Photographers, Photography
'Focus on architecture' -- subject(s): Architectural photography, Artistic Photography, Sculpture
'Julia Margaret Cameron' -- subject(s): Artistic Photography, Portrait photography, Photographie artistique, Portraits (Photographie)
'Historic events 1839-1939' -- subject(s): Modern History, Pictorial works
'Lewis Carroll, photographer' -- subject(s): Biography, English Authors, History, Mathematics teachers, Photographers, Photography, Knowledge and learning
'The history of photography from the earliest use of the camera obscura in the eleventh century up to 1914' -- subject(s): History, Photography
'The photographs of Ida Kar'
Helmut Bonheim was a German author and scholar known for his works on literature and culture. He wrote extensively on topics such as German literature, feminism, and cultural studies. Some of his notable works include "The Narrative Modes: Techniques of the American Novel" and "Refractions of Violence."
Helmut Bonheim has written:
'The English novel before Richardson' -- subject(s): Bibliography, English fiction, History and criticism
'Literary systematics' -- subject(s): History and criticism, Literature, Theory
'Joyce's Benedictions'
'The narrative modes' -- subject(s): Short story
Helmut Gipper has written:
'Sprache und Denken in spachwissenschaftlicher und sprachphilosophischer Sicht' -- subject(s): Linguistics, Philosophy, Thought and thinking, Language and languages, Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
'Der Mensch als Sprachwesen' -- subject(s): Language disorders, Language and languages
'Das Sprachapriori' -- subject(s): A priori, Analysis (Philosophy), Knowledge, Theory of, Language and languages, Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge, Thought and thinking
Helmut Dembsher has written: 'Sport'
Helmut Junker has written: 'Traumkurs'
Helmut Schmolz has written: 'Heilbronn'
Helmut Weyh has written: 'Kreativitat'
Helmut Sydow has written: 'Treibholz'
Helmut Pfisterer has written: 'Brauchvers'
Helmut Vetter has written: '15 Tempura'
Helmut Merten has written: 'Der Busentempel'
Helmut Walbert has written: 'Der Riesenvogel'
Helmut Wirth has written: 'Brahms-Studien'
Helmut Schiller has written: 'Antonias Vater'
Helmut Metzger has written: 'Noch Ebbes'