Philip Samuel Moore has written:
'The works of Peter of Poitiers, master in theology and chancellor of Paris (1193-1205)'
'A century of law at Notre Dame' -- subject(s): University of Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame. Law School
Philip Moore Callow Kermode has written: 'Illustrated notes on Manks antiquities' -- subject(s): Antiquities
Samuel Taylor Moore has written: 'America And The World War' -- subject(s): World War, 1914-1918
Samuel Moore Shute has written: 'A manual of Anglo-Saxon for beginners' -- subject(s): English language, Grammar, Glossaries, vocabularies, Readers
I. Moore has written: 'Grass and grasslands'
Will H. Moore has written: '\\'
Philemon Moore has written: 'Prayers'
Eldon Moore has written: 'Heredity'
Cairn A. Moore has written: 'Generation NeXXt'
Francis A. Moore has written: 'Silly Saguaros'
Rob Moore has written: 'Why does electricity flow?'
E. A. Moore has written: 'Practical Russian'
Katherine Moore has written: 'Summer at the Haven'