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Albert Dufourcq has written:

'Histoire ancienne de l'eglise' -- subject(s): Religions, Religion, History

'Le christianisme primitif' -- subject(s): Church history

'Voltaire et les martyrs de la terreur, 1689-1799' -- subject(s): Catholic Church, Church history

'De Manichaeismo apud Latinos quinto sextoque saeculo atque de latinis apocryphis libris'

'Etude sur les gesta martyrum romains' -- subject(s): Christian hagiography, Martyrologies

'La christianisation des foules' -- subject(s): Cult, Paganism, Saints, Christianity

'De Manichaeismo apud Latinos quinto sextoque saeculo atque de latinis apocryphis libris'

'Le christianisme et l'empire (200-700)' -- subject(s): Church history

'De Manichaeismo apud Latinos quinto sextoque saeculo atque de latinis apocryphis libris'

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4mo ago

Philippe Sylvestre Dufour is a Canadian author known for writing books on finance and investing, such as "The Automatic Millionaire," "Cashflow Quadrant," and "The Total Money Makeover." He is also a popular speaker and financial advisor.

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9y ago

Christian Dufour has written:

'Industrial relations in small companies' -- subject(s): Industrial relations, Comparative industrial relations, Industrial sociology, Small business

'L'Europe Syndicale Au Quotidien'

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9y ago

Philippe Sylvestre Dufour has written:

'Moral instructions for youth: or, a father's advice to a son'

'The manner of making of coffee, tea, and chocolate' -- subject(s): Beverages, Early works to 1800

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9y ago

Christian M. Dufournaud has written:

'The Lower Mekong Basin scheme: the political and economic opportunity costs of cooperative and sovereign development strategies, 1957-2000'

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9y ago

Darnaudet-Daurel. has written:

'Le taxidermiste'

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9y ago

Paul Jouhanneaud has written:

'Album des voyages anciens et modernes'

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9y ago

Fr Dufour has written:

'Le centenaire de Jeanne d'Arc' -- subject(s): Bibliography

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