V K Natraj is an author known for writing books on management topics, particularly focusing on leadership, productivity, and organizational effectiveness. Some of his popular books include "The Leadership - A Familiar Guiding Tool," "Principles of Productivity," and "Organizational Effectiveness and Change Management."
V. K. Sethi has written: 'Kabir'
K. V. Tirumalesh has written: 'Avadha'
V. K. N. has written: 'Bovine bugles'
V. K. Subramanian has written: 'Saundaryalahari of Sankaracarya'
V. K. Karpeko has written: 'Nasledniki groz'
V. K. Arsen'ev has written: 'Dersu Uzala'
V. K. Arkhangel'skaya has written: 'Ocherki narodnicheskoi fol'kloristiki'
K V. Tskitishvili has written: 'Na frontakh Velikoi Otechestvennoi'
V. K. Kiselev has written: 'Ekonomika vosproizvodstva rybnykh zapasov'
V. K. Chanturiya has written: 'Molodezh' i udarnyi kommunisticheskii trud'
V. K. Osadchii has written: 'Optimal'noe planirovanie sel'skokhozyaistvennoi tekhniki'
K. V. S. Thapar has written: 'Flights of fancy'