The name of Eoin Colfer's teenage criminal mastermind is Artemis Fowl.
Artemis Fowl
Artemis Fowl
Eoin Colfer, the author of the Artemis Fowl series, enjoys writing, storytelling, and playing the guitar in his spare time. He is also known to have an interest in travel and visiting new places for inspiration for his books.
Eoin Colfer's full name is Eoin Colfer.
Eoin Logan's birth name is Eoin Patrick Austin Logan.
There is no saint named Eoin. However, there is Blessed Eoin O'Mulkern but he has not yet been canonized. Eoin is Irish for John and there are many, many saints named John.
what is eric dovers wifes name?
Kelly Preston is John Travolta's wifes name.
His wifes name was Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton.
Seán or Eoin
Like the name Owen.