It was to be said she was wild. She would steal food from people's plates and through fits because of her frustration. She would also hang on to her mother skirts and all staff were to carry sweets to calm Helen if she was naughty.
Helen Keller was out of control and did this because she couldn't communicate.
Helen Keller was a determined and resilient individual who overcame significant challenges as a deaf and blind person. Through her perseverance and intelligence, she became a prominent advocate for people with disabilities and a symbol of the human spirit's ability to triumph over adversity.
Helen's dad name was Arthur H Keller 20 years older then his wife Kate. Kate Adams Keller was Helen's mom. When Helen was 5 she had a baby sister Mildred which stopped getting attention from her parents. When Helen was about 7 In March of 1887 she met someone who could help her live a life Annie Sullivan. Helen graduated Radcliffe College in 1904. IN 1896 her father died from a heart attack. In 1910 Helen became popular. By 1923 Helen took a trip to Amierca with Anne and so many other trips. In 1936 of October 20 Anne died. By 1938 Polly Thompson i think was there name helped Helen after Anne passed away. By 1952 of September Helen learned to take care of herself on her own. In 1957 Helen was asked about her childhood by producers for movies. In 1961 Helen met Producers and Presidentsshe treated them like brothers and sisters. On May 24 of 1968 Helen became very frail. On June 1 1968 Helen Keller passed away in her sleep.
Helen Keller was a girl who got Scarlett Fever when she was 9 months old. She went deaf and then went blind completely. She had a terrible temper. One day when Helen was 6 a women named Anne Sullivan came to teach Helen how to behave and to learn to read and write. She spelled the words out with her hands on Helen's arm. Finally Anne taught Helen how to read write and the meaning of all words. She knew over 200 words by the time she was 8 years old. She called Anne teacher and soon learned how to talk and Helen became a teacher and won lots of medels. A long time after Helen died in her sleep peacefully on June 1,1954.
They Where Gay
at a farm
went to collegede
Helen Keller had no friends because of how she was
brown was the color of helen kellers dog!
in her family was helen , james her brother the parents and her teacher
dane sanzenbacher.