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Anne Frank was a dynamic character. She went from being a childish trouble maker to a thoughtful young woman. Unfortunately, she died at age 15 due to the Holocaust.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

In the diary of Anne Frank, one quote that shows Margot Frank as a static character is when Anne describes her as reserved and obedient, always following the rules and expectations set by their parents without questioning. Margot's quiet demeanor and lack of significant personal growth or change throughout the diary highlight her static nature as a character.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

"she was always kind and genourus" (pg 94)

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Q: What quotes in the diary of Anne Frank shows Margot Frank as a static character?
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Margot Frank was born February 16, 1926.

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Anne Frank's sister was named Margot Frank.

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