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Anne Frank and her family went into hiding because they did not want to be caught, tortured and then killed by the Nazis who were occupying their country (Holland). Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi party, hated Jews and so wanted them wiped out.

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4mo ago

Anne Frank and her family went into hiding in 1942 during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. They stayed hidden in the secret annex of an office building in Amsterdam for over two years before being discovered and arrested in 1944.

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11y ago

Anne Frank, her family, and four others started hiding on July 5, 1942 when Anne was 13 years old.

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13y ago

She was 13 when her family went into hiding.

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13y ago

She went into hiding on July 6, 1942. The Frank family originally were going into hiding on July 16, but Margot was going to be deported into a work camp.

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15y ago

Anne Frank went into hiding around 1944

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July, 1942

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Q: What year did Anne Frank and her family go into hiding?
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What year did anne frank g o into hiding?

July 5 1942

Who did Anne Frank live with while she was in hiding?

Anne Frank lived in hiding with her family - her parents, Otto and Edith Frank, and her sister, Margot. They were joined by four others who helped them in hiding in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam during World War II.

Did Otto Frank go to the gas chamber?

No. Otto Frank outlived his family in the concentration camps. He returned to his business and their attic hiding place. He discovered the diary Anne Frank wrote and had it published. It is one of the number one best sellers year after year.

What year did anne frank family leave germany?


In The Diary of Anne Frank how long had the people been hiding at the beginning of Act II?

In Act II of The Diary of Anne Frank, the people had been hiding for about one year and a month. They were in hiding for a total of two years during World War II.

Who was the boy who stayed with Anne Frank in hiding?

Anne and her family moved into the 'Secret Annexe" on the morning of Monday, 6 July 1942. On 13 July 1942, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels and 16-year-old Peter joined the family in hiding. Fritz Pfeffer was the last member to join them in November. All eight of them lived there until August 4th, when they were discovered by the Nazis.

In what year did anne Frank's family emgrate to holland from Germany?

They left in 1933.

More about Anne Frank's childhood?

During Anne Frank's childhood, the Frank family moved from Germany to Amsterdam. This was on 1933, the year the Nazis gained control over Germany.

What happened a year after Anne Frank's hiding?

Anne Frank and her family were discovered and arrested by the Nazis on August 4, 1944. They were then sent to concentration camps, where Anne died in early 1945. Her diary was later found and published by her father, Otto Frank, becoming a worldwide bestseller and a poignant reminder of the Holocaust.

What year did Anne Frank have to go to a Jewish school?

Anne "graduated" the American equivalent of eighth grade the summer before her family went into hiding. She had one year of high school at the Jewish Lyceum, and during the summer after that, her family went into hiding.She and Margot had lessons every day in the annex to keep up to their grade level in school.

In what year did Anne Frank start school?

Anne Frank started school in 1934 when she was six years old.

What were the names of the 7 hiders Anne Frank was hiding with?

The seven individuals who hid with Anne Frank in the secret annex were her parents, Otto and Edith Frank, her sister Margot Frank, the van Pels family (Hermann, Auguste, and Peter), and Fritz Pfeffer.