Eoin Colfer's full name is Eoin Colfer.
yes eoin colfer is alive in southern Ireland
Eoin Colfer is 52 years old (birthdate: May 14, 1965).
His wife's name is Jackie Colfer and he has had two children with her.
Jackie colfer
My edition of 'Airman' by Eoin Colfer has 412 pages.
No, Chris Colfer and Eoin Colfer are not related. Chris Colfer is an American actor and author best known for his role in the TV series "Glee," while Eoin Colfer is an Irish author known for his "Artemis Fowl" series.
Yes, Eoin Colfer has two sons with his wife, Jackie.
Eoin Colfer's literary agent is Sophie Hicks at the Ed Victor Ltd agency.
no he is not dead
yes he was